2009-02-04 02:16:22 UTC
I've always used Xp at home and after some googling and 'discovering' on Y! Answers, most people seem to prefer Xp. My dilemma is, I can still get one with Xp now(before it gets completely phased out) which requires little ram but too slow to upgrade OR one with Vista and more ram(4GB?) but still not compatible with many things however allows me to upgrade to Windows 7 when it comes out.
Does anybody know when Win7 is coming out, I don't really need a laptop until the start of Oct. Perhaps the laptops available then will have Win7 pre-installed?
I just feel a bit pressed with time coz I'm worried that a few months down the line, xp will not be available anymore.
What's the rough cost to upgrade a o/s? Will Xp see me through the degree anyway?
Finally, can anyone give me some suggestions as to what specs I should be going for?(I've been looking at Dells(both direct and on ebay(ndc and the chef01 for returned ones)) I need it for MS Office, wireless web surfing/access to Uni net, email/msn. No games/watching dvds required, I've got other equip for those.
Thanks for reading.