No point in spending an extra $500 just to do some basic tasks. I personally like the HP Envy. My Windows machines haven't given me many problems, and when they do, solving it is usually only a click away.
When you buy a Mac, you are locking yourself into a closed system. There's no nice way to say this, but you're getting ripped off by paying twice as much as you should. There's a reason that Macs are the highest profit margin computers.
In addition, Macs are very insecure. Macs are increasingly likely to get viruses, and when there is a virus, it is extremely difficult to remove. Paying $1000 for a heavy, cheap plastic, and low performance machine is not a good idea.
Apple is seriously guilty of price gouging on outdated components, including the now prehistoric Core 2 Duo processors.
Don't even get me started on how everything is proprietary and does not conform to standards, down to the MagSafe connector. With a PC, you can use any generic connector.
With Apple, you have to use the MagSafe which often breaks and is proprietary. In addition, Macs do not conform to standards like Blu-ray, HDMI, and the basic MacBook doesn't even have an SD card slot.
I've used Mac. I've used Windows. And I've used Linux. I really like Linux, but it isn't very user friendly, but the support is fantastic. The Linux community well respond to your problems in seconds!
I've noticed no discernible difference between Mac and Windows experience, ever since Windows 7 come out. Mostly it's just an interface different. I can't ever recommend you pay twice as much for the same product.
The Apple walled garden may be nice, but the world outside is infinitely more rich and diverse.