Power on the computer does not detect the keyboard Diagnostics
Keyboard not detected after power lines may be bad contact of the keyboard, the keyboard has broken insurance burned, keyboard, keyboard, accidentally introduced into water or damage caused by motherboard keyboard interface, the diagnostic methods are as follows.
(1) after power on the computer does not detect the keyboard can first check whether the keyboard interface issue. Because it checks the most convenient, do not have to remove the keyboard. First will keyboard line from chassis Shang pulling down, then again plug back, again power see fault is disappeared, such can excluded due to keyboard interface contact bad caused of fault; if still has problem, can using multimeter measurement Board Shang of keyboard interface, if power Shi measurement to 1th, and 2, and 5 core of a voltage relative Yu 4th core for 0, description line broken has, found breakpoint again received good on line has; if Board Shang of interface no problem, opened keyboard check check keyboard of insurance is normal, if does not normal is replaced If normal multimeter measuring the keyboard cable connector voltage is normal; if the motherboard keyboard interface voltage is normal and not normal here, then the keyboards are broken, replace the keyboard cable.
(2) a keyboard press cannot bounce after fault diagnosis methods: press a key of the keyboard cannot be pop up is because some aging elastic spring under the keyboard, key caps weakened, spring deformation induced, causing the contacts cannot be separated in a timely manner that would enable it to bounce. Its maintenance methods: key Cap spring replace, or stretching spring slightly to regain its elasticity, then you can replace the keycap.
(3) press the a key fault diagnosis method on the screen does not respond: the screen does not respond when a key is pressed mainly due to dirt on the internal circuit boards, lead keyboard contact poor contact with the contacts, make key failures or the key internal spring aging deformed, resulting in poor contact. Its maintenance as follows: first of all open the keyboard casing and dirt with a soft brush on the circuit board removal, and use alcohol to clean keyboard keys the following parts in contact with key caps, tested after cleaning. If the fault persists. Then again open the keyboard casing, replacing the key in question.
I hope for your help, thank you!