2013-08-31 03:06:00 UTC
i'm a in junior high school and i'm saving up for a new macbook pro with retina display laptop. The thing is, i don't think i'll be able to buy a new one for college so i really need it to last at least 6 years. Don't worry i won't buy anytime soon, i'm planning on waiting for the haswell processors for the retina macbooks.
here are my usual tasks:
word processing (a lot of this because i'm in the school paper)
photo editing
video editing
watching a lot of videos
i might play a few games every once in a while
a lot of multi tasking (this is where the 8gb comes in handy)
i'm debating on whether i chould get a 13 inch or a 15 in retina.
i could afford a13 inch with 256gb and i7 3.0 ghz, but in the coming years would it still be able to be fast enough? and i'm not quite sure about the 13 inch screen because i would prefer a desktop replacement laptop.
buying the base model of the 15 inch retina would drain quite A LOT in my piggy bank but i would get a bigger screen and quad core processors, but my question is, do i really need quad-core? would it be worth spending pretty much everything i've saved? I think the 15 inch is still quite portable so it's not really an issue for me (seriously, if you think this is quite heavy to carry around, you need to exercise more).
also, could someone describe the difference between an i5 from i7 and a quad core from a dual core just so i could have a better understanding of everything.
I'm the type of guy who wants to know everything before going through something big (Like spending all my savings)
again, please don't recommend other laptops because macbooks are built to last as compared to a pc which almost always needs to be replaced every 2 years.
thanks :)
please help me decide