I'm one of the few college students who is behind with technology, and I desperately need to buy myself a laptop/netbook but I HATE shopping for technology because you get a million different options, each with different features, and different prices thrown at you and it drives me CRAZY. So someone throw some suggestions at me. What should I buy? I'm looking to go cheap and I literally want the simplest option possible. I don't give a crap about having skype, a webcam, etc. I want 4 features:
- Internet (obviously, lol)
- Itunes
- Able to watch youtube/my netflix videos without the picture running like crap
- Microsoft Word
That's it! I've looked into netbook, but I've read videos don't run too well on them. So I guess the next best thing would be a laptop with simple features, unless someone knows of a good netbook. Any suggestions?