the first things are to establish with the manufacturer if the unit has had a major component failure or is its just a fuse that has blown.
ok heat and heat dissipation?
ok science 101, electrons that flow through a conductor (wire) have a nasty habit of creating heat radiation or radians.
the dissipation is via a medium such as gas, in the (atmosphere) or air, so, the system is then reliant on the ability to keep the components in a tolerance that is equal to what the component will withstand.
a laptop has a typical radial fan the air is sucked in and then accelerated to the provide a cooling effect on a radiator or (heat sink) but sometimes the amount of heat cannot dissipate enough, or the room temp is so high that the unit no matter how much the fan runs cannot keep up.
a cooler pad, has a fan and a trough or is some times called a well, the air is then pre-cooled and under pressure, to act as an extra means to control the air temperature in that the exponent value of the mass of gas allows the dissipation without the over use of the single fan.
this in turn helps to keep the components in there tolerances.