Just so you know, adding RAM doesn't make your computer faster in some instances. Look, if you have 1GB RAM and your computer only uses 1/2 of that (on average), what is adding RAM going to do? I'll tell you, it wastes money. The best that it'll do is stimulate the economy. If you want to speed up your computer,
1. "deleting temporary and unneeded files",
2. and you should come up with something good. Also, use Disk Defragmenter and Disk Cleanup. If you think it'll slow your computer down more while you do it, yes, it does. But fear not, you should do it in the middle of the night. Start Disk Defrag, Virus Scan, and Disk Cleanup before you go to bed, and when you wake up, it should be done and almost always faster! Just remember, don't defrag every day. It can make things worse. Once a week or bimonthly is fine. Happy Computing!
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