So... you are attempting to compare a privately cracked, edited, and tweaked version of Windows XP that is being passed around the File Sharing circuit, with an official Microsoft Release of an Operating System?
Have you read ANYTHING about XP "performance edition"?
From the NFO file that accompanies this...
The following tweaks have been performed to make this XP Copy go fast and use little resources.
TCP/IP Patch - Max Simultaneous Connections - 100 Default: 10
USB Port Polling Frequency Hz - 500Hz Default: 125
Enabled Uxtheme Patch
Disables SFC (Windows File Protection) Note: This can speed up install time.
Registry Tweaks:
My Computer, My Documents, Recycle Bin, and Firefox all have desktop shortcuts from the beginning.
Disabled Shortcut Arrow and Pre-Fix
Show Hidden Files and Folders
Show extensions of known file-types
Disable Popup Blocking Notifications and Sounds
Set Default Homepage to
Set IE to accept 10 connections at the same time - Default: 2
Added a few helpful links in My Computer Area
Disable Info Tips on Files and Folders
Disable Last accessed TimeStamp on files
Disable optimize harddisk when Idle/AFK
Removes Alexa which can collect surfing habits
Changes Popup delay in start menu from 400ms to 20ms
Removes People and Internet search from the Start>Search Menu
Disable Language bar
Hide Volume Control Icon
... and that is all that makes it "faster" than an official install of XP. In fact, The install time is faster with System FIle Checker disabled, and the USB polling time is faster, and the menu popup time is faster... and that's it.
Now, let's not forget the fact that this is a cracked, and thus UN-UPDATABLE version of Windows XP. And who knows what else has been added to the install, considering that it is being passed around... this thing is a carrier of god-knows-what.
... and you want to install it.
Hey... in the end, we all get what we deserve. Go for it.
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