Many possibilities here. Do not even attempt to remove the heat sink or whatever the earlier poster mentioned. It is a laptop so unless you're a tech, do not do anything to meddle with the inside parts.
1. Virus/Trojans/Spyware etc usually cause the system to be slow and cause excessive usage of the harddisk. As another user mentioned, run a virus scan on your machine. If you do not have one, go online and download any free ones. For now, they will do.
2. Run spyware scanners. Also go online and find free ones. If you're not comfortable, get an IT friend to assist you. Too many bogus and malicious software around.
3. Chances are your battery is also heating up. Prolong charging can charge this. A hot laptop is a very common thing. If possible, purchase a laptop cooler from any major departmental or IT store near your location.
4. Do NOT place the laptop on your legs. It is not ergonomic and can cause excessive strain on your neck and the heat from the laptop is not at all good for your legs. It can cause a lot of unnecessary health issues in the future.
5. If you are at all unsure how to do any of the above, look up an IT friend. If none available, bring it to a nearby Computer Store. Careful they don't overcharge you for their services if you're not an IT-savvy person.
Other factors may cause the heating up as well but as mentioned above, there are too many to look at.