Mac or PC?
2007-01-31 18:35:06 UTC
I have to buy a laptop - confused between Mac & PC? Have gone through some online extracts on this but am not sure yet.
1. What makes Macs less prone to viruses?
2. How close are Macs synonymous with Apple?
3. What are the Hardware differences between Mac & PC?
4. What are OS level differences? I hear that on Macs you can run Windows and on PC's you can have add-ons that give you the look n feel of Mac OS.
5. How about the extent of applications that support Mac OS?
6. Whats the deal with Mac OS X?
7. If have multiple OS on Mac and have licensed products on one OS? can it in anyway work on Mac OS as well or do I have to buy new ones.

What will be your choice?
Seven answers:
2007-01-31 23:14:26 UTC
Macs are only Wanna-be PCs with no bios and forced to use Mac os x on a overpriced box. There's really no reason to get a mac now adays.

The true pcs with windows has all the support, programs, games, hardware ,etc you would want, the Mac (apple) have greatly limited those types of upgrades, support, software, etc.

Even a PC with Linux is far superior and has alot more support then mac os x (based on freebsd-linux).
2007-02-04 12:14:09 UTC
First off, let me state that I have worked with Macs and PCs, and I do not buy into the Mac vs. Windows thing. Both have their upsides and downsides, and I find the petty bickering between Mac fans and Windows fans purly annoying.

1. The fact that Macs are only 5% of the worldwide computer population. It would not be advantageous for hackers to write viruses for them. As more and more people buy Macs, it is possible that viruses would become more common.

2. Apple makes the hardware (iBook, iMac) and the operating system (Macintosh OS), whereas with PCs, Dell, HP, Gateway, etc. makes the software and Microsoft, Unix or Linux makes the OS.

3. They tend to weigh less, and you get a built-in camera. And you have to pay $500 more for a Mac than a comprable PC. And to buy extra hardware for a Mac, you usually have to buy from Apple.

4. You can run Windows or Linux on Macs. On a Windows you can run Linux. I don't know about giving PCs the look and feel of Mac OS...Windows has a lot of things in common with Mac (from a GUI standpoint), the biggest differences lie in the security features.

5. More and more software is coming out that runs on Mac. I don't see that as a huge reason not to buy a Mac.

6. Your buying a lot of the name. I have a Gateway desktop-replacment laptop that was about $1,600 and it's comprable with a $1,999 Mac. They love to use the "Mac doesn't catch viruses" excuse, but the fact is, if you want a more secure system on your PC you could always convert to Linux.

7. I've heard that Windows tends to be a *little* slower running on an Apple than on a Windows designed PC. That's hearsay, however; the Apples I've worked with have always been running Mac.

My choice, in the end, is irrelevant (I like all three OSs for different reasons). What do you want to do with this laptop? If you want to do a lot of photo/video editing, then I'd say go with a Mac. If you want an all-around computer, good at networking and data prosseses, go with a Windows PC. If you like gaming, definitely buy a Windows. If you want a very virus-resistent computer, and don't want to spend any money on programs, convert to Linux. As for hardware, I like the iBook from Apple, and for Windows I like Gateway and HP. Hope I help you with that difficult search for a new laptop!
2016-11-02 04:28:04 UTC
greater merchandising, a greater advantageous merchandising team, hassle-free layout, homogeneity. laptop is particularly any pc no longer a mac, and of direction they're going to run the gamut in high quality/cost/layout. for this reason the only element that Macs particularly have over each laptop is they might run Apple proprietary application. there is likewise a picture element that i'm noticing with Macs. with the aid of their branding and merchandising Macs are pointed out as "cooler" than their laptop counterpart specifically subcultures. i'm when you consider that assorted you placed down 'virus unfastened' as between the main considerable specialists of a mac. That although has to do with the Unix based working equipment run on the Mac fairly than the Mac itself. If laptop shoppers are so vulnerable, they might additionally get a scourge unfastened working equipment in between the various Linux flavors.
2007-01-31 20:08:41 UTC
1. UNIX security

2. umm sorry i dont really get that but Macs are made by Apple Inc

3 not much in terms of a laptop.... but it depends on what kind you choose....macs can easily be upgraded memory and hard drive when ordering online, and i recommend that if you go mac because it is cheaper for upgrades online.

4. I haven't heard anything about Mac add ons on PC....but yes macs can install the exact windows OS..making it the only computer you will ever need.... but vista costs upwards of $200

5. yea there are lots of apps that do only run windows but they can run on mac for the above reason. it is a pain to switch between Mac OS and windows (you have to restart) but if you buy Parallels Desktop for $80 you can run both at the same time

6. Mac OS X comes with lots of great applications like iMovie, which is much better than moviemaker, ive tried MM at school, i believe there is no comparison. Mac OS can also run windows programs like Word, excel and entourage

7. i think they will work

This is kind of bias, but I have owned both and love my Macs. I myself have a Macbook, and also have a G4 iMac, and getting another iMac intel soon. Macs are great, although my biggest problem is the limited number of programs, which is why I might install Vista. Also, if you plan to get Vista with a Macbook, upgrade the hard drive. I just installed a massive game and now only have 17 GB left, and Vista takes up 15 GB. I chose the standard 60 GB HD (actually 55.57 GB) And if you arent sure, get the 60, then buy an 80 or so 2.5" hard drive, 80 GB hard drive can cost as little as $80, with capacities at 120, 160, 200 etc. They are very easy to install, I found a great website with a video on how to, and it was simple. I don't know where it was, but i think i searched google for mac hard drive, and it came up with HDs for sale as well as a video. I hope that helped!

2007-02-01 21:39:55 UTC
Macs are far superior to PC's in almost every way imaginable (I say almost because Macs aren't a "gaming" computer) but hey, if you're looking to play Warcraft all day with nothing else running in the background, then I can think of no better life for a PC to have. Seriously. Multi-tasking is not their forte.

Most people are too cheap or ignorant to buy Macs, therefore less people have them, therefore hackers don't worry about trying to destroy them.

You can run windows on Macs, but I believe that you are susceptible to viruses while running said program. Personally I'd never shame my computer with an inferior product, but I have some friends who switch Operating systems for work and things like that.

I've had my ibook for about a year now, and it set me back some but it more than made up for it with sheer ease of use, reliability, and performance. I wake up, use a voice command to tell it to check the days weather while I get dressed, organize my email and I'm good to go. No worries

If you get a mac, you will not have to worry about things not working, crashing etc. I hope you'll make the right choice.
2007-02-01 00:50:56 UTC
Look if you dont want your computer to crash and your into graphics and movies get the mac.

But pc is hella of alot easier to use but crash easily.
2007-02-02 17:16:02 UTC
1) UNIX based system (security built-in)

2) "Mac" is a nickname for computers made by Apple Computer Inc. (derives from the first Apple Computer the Macintosh)

3) Mac- hardware and software designed, developed, manufactured, and sold by Apple... no third party anything!!! Although Apple computers seem to have slower processors (say 2.0 Ghz versus 3.4 Ghz or something in a PC) the operating system, OS X, is more efficient and uses the processor to its full potential, same with hard drives (you get more storage capacity on a Mac formatted drive). The Macs are much better designed and come with higher quality parts (RAM, hard drive, optical drive, etc.-it's all better). Metal or polycarbonate shell

PC- Third party hardware entirely... not made by Microsoft (made by HP, Dell, Compaq, etc.) so there is much more variety, but it is of lower quality. Usually plastic shell

4) Mac- True, on a Mac you can run Windows and actually startup in Windows and run it like a PC (a better PC). Mac OS X is a high quality, well designed, secure, stable OS and is top of the line. Very customizable and user-friendly. When an application crashes, the whole computer doesn't

PC- archaic and retarded OS, prone to crashing, virus prone...

put simply- the worst waste of hard drive space ever created!!!

5) OS X supports a wide range of design, video, etc. applications and comes pre-loaded with most of the music/photo/web/word processing apps you will need. It does not have the same array of support for games that Windows does (Mac users use them more for business and productivity, not wasting time) but the more popular games run on Mac

6) It is the best OS on earth, that's what...

7) ??? I guess ???

(don't understand question)

MAC ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have been using Macs for my entire life and they have the best:

-SUPPORT when something breaks (usually send in and receive computer back within a week)

-DESIGN by far

-EASE OF USE, you can name storage devices and they show up on desktop when connected- no searching through E, D, C, H, G, A, Z drives

-COMPATABILITY with peripherals, usually no need to install a driver for printers, cameras, scanners, hard drives, etc.

-LONGEVITY, we still own 15 year old Macs that work to this day and the only reason we replace them is to have a faster one

-SECURITY UNIX system and no viruses

-PERFORMANCE all Intel dual core processors

-ACCESORIES Airport wireless, Mighty Mouse, iPod, Apple Cinema Displays (monitors up to 30"-really highres), etc.

-AWESOMENESS they just work with anything, and when they don't, Apple will get it working in no time

I would like to add in response to other peoples' comments......

-on the topic of lack of users/computers of Macs in the world equates to a lack of viruses and that because they are becoming more and more popular, the number of viruses will be on the rise. NOT TRUE!!! The reason that PCs are affected by and plagued with more viruses is BECAUSE OF AN ERROR IN THE CODING of the early Windows operating system that allows an outside application of file to effect and alter the base operating system, thus leading to an increase in the effectiveness and destructiveness of a computer virus (as well as making it easier to use spyware and the like). On Macs, this is not the case. The OS is sound and the security is superb.

Now you probably ask... "Why don't they just fix the problem if they know the cause?" -Simple, they have to 1) admit that they have actually made every computer for years, knowing full well that they have this problem and not told the consumer. 2) they will lose money from having to re-develop their OS. 3) they will lose money from customers that convert to other OS's. 4) THERE IS NO REASON TO- the average consumer already buys the inferior PC rather than the Mac because A) it is cheaper. B) they already know how to use it (although most PC users, upon converting to Mac immediately pick-up on and use more advanced features that they couldn't use on a PC because it is easier) and they do it KNOWING FULL WELL THAT IT GETS VIRUSES. "Why?" you ask... BECAUSE THEY DON'T CARE or they DON'T THINK THE ALTERNATIVE IS ALL IT SAYS IT IS. Most computer users are used to the routine of buy a computer one year. Use it for two or three years, and get a new one. They can't imagine that a Mac can really last for 15 years or that IN THE END, THE MAC IS CHEAPER!!!!! When you factor in the cost of anti-virus software, repairs and service to get rid of viruses, the shorter life and thus increased number of computers to buy in a given time period, the Mac comes out on top.

-Now, cost-wise....

Sure the Mac may seem to cost more than a comparable PC, but when you get down to the raw specs.... there isn't a PC out there that can compare to a Mac (and you aren't just paying for a name- you pay for the Dell, HP, etc. name AND the Microsoft name when you buy a PC...... Only paying for Apple name with a Mac)

Hardware- the PC is not made with the same standard of quality as a Mac. And processor, hard drive and RAM run more efficiently and thus give you better performance on a Mac because the OS is superior (you get more storage on Mac on your hard drive- 60 GB on Mac is 55.8 GB, 60 GB on PC is somewhere around... oh say.... 51.4-46.2 GB on average)

Also, Macs come with accesories that are standard and not usually noticed that don't come with a PC. For instance, the ACCELOROMETER in laptops that, upon too rapid of motion (aka- dropping) locks up the hard drive so that it doesn't damage or corrupt/lose your data.

Software- The Mac, unlike PCs, only uses one version of its operating system, Mac OS X. It is the same no matter what computer you buy (meaning you get the Professional level operating system whether you buy the $600 Mac Mini, or the $3000 Mac Pro). There isn't any confusion on what differences there are between Windows XP Home and Professional (if there is any other that a couple hundred dollars)

Also, the Mac comes with loads of software, STANDARD!!! It has you iTunes, iPhoto, iMovie HD, iDVD, Safari (best web browser), Software Update (finds/installs updates for all of the Apple software on your Mac), Disk Utility (repairs disk permissions and performs many other hard drive functions), iCal, Address Book, Mail, and the list goes on and on and on.....

PCs give you what.... Internet Explorer??? (worst web browser), I mean I don't even know what they have, but from my experiences with them, it is not the known software that you see on Macs.

Scams- I don't know about you, but I wouldn't trust companies that have multiple versions of their main web site that change the prices and deals based upon what ads they are running and that work independent of each other. When you get the computer $300 cheaper because you put "/TV" at the end of That just goes to show you that those companies are out to get your money and they care very little about anything else. On, the prices are what you see. They don't change until Apple changes them.

BOTTOM LINE- I don't want to see you getting a PC, it breaking, you buying a new one, and on and on. GET A MAC!!!

You will be glad. They look good, they work well, they have incredible support.

But WHEN you buy a Mac, I don't suggest purcahsing it through Apple. They have the highest prices for extra RAM and hard drive, etc. upgrades because of their higher quality parts. Plus, they can charge taxes on

BUY FROM, they have great deals and lots of bundles that save you lots of money, but make sure to create and account and log in to see all the deals, because without a login, they only show the same prices as


This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.