how does wifi i need any password or anything?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
how does wifi i need any password or anything?
Eighteen answers:
2017-03-05 12:37:40 UTC
Watching tv is easier but I enjoy reading catalogs more
2017-01-31 03:09:33 UTC
while reading a book, you're stimulating your brain. You transform your life reading and literacy skills so you in the process, become more literate. Even with today's modern technology, you need to be in a position to read still.

While you're watching t.v. can be good fun, it isn't doing anything to your brain.
2016-11-04 07:00:36 UTC
Need Wifi Password
2016-08-24 21:50:05 UTC
That is an interesting question and I hope you'll find some valuable answers
2016-05-21 02:36:34 UTC
You better change it have no idea of the type of badsh-t that can happen when you give people your wifi password Anything that is going on in your network he can see if he wants to by downloading software FREE of the internet. He can spy on what sites you're going , keystrokes , credit card numbers, use your computer to hack , spread malware , download child porn , attack other websites and do anything he wants , yes it's INCREDIBLY that easy to see and do all of this if you just gave him your wifi password or if he's using your pass and his computer has a virus , you might get infected as well and he'll drag you down as well. And guess whose door the FBI/Police will be knocking if he's a bad guy? YOUR door. To top it all off... your internet is going to be slow ..and if he's going to be downloading movies,musics any large program or bandwidth intensive process you can bet your *** you're network is going to be even slower.
2007-09-28 05:32:15 UTC
WiFi just means it has wireless capabilities

So if you are in a hot spot, or your neighbor has a router you can access the internet, even if you don't have internet access at home..

Only problem with wireless is some people have their own private routers, and they are secure connections.. in other words the connection is theirs, and no other computer can tap into it without the security passphrase that they set up.

If you are in a hot spot, however.. i.e Starbucks, most book store cafe's, college campus.. etc

the wireless is an unsecure connection. meaning you can tap into it, and anyone else who is tapped into it can see that you are as well.. they cannot see what you are doing, but they know you are there.

If you have internet access at home, get a wireless router. they usually run for about $50.. its totally worth it. because you can be anywhere in your house, and have your comp. and if its a good one (i use linksys.. and its awesome) you can go outside with it too.

you can only use wireless routers with cable or dsl connections though. dial up wont work.

anyway. hope i helped..

good luck :)
2007-09-28 05:31:38 UTC
Here we go... First buy a router, Linksys is the best. Then (it helps to have another stationary or wireless laptop near the modem) Get the router out of the box and hook the eathernet cord from your modem into the internet port on the router, then get the included wire that came with the router and plug it into the eathernet port on the stationary computer. Then pop in the CD that came with the router (the above steps are included if you want to do it step by step) However, i have found the CD to be difficult, so i go to a website (see sources) and download the easy connect utility, it's much more user friendly. Set up your network, password (WPA) is highly recommended and if you use the CD, it won't set one, another reason to get online. Set up, get your laptop, find your network, enter the password and BAM! internet!!!!!

Sorry if this is a little messy, im in a rush lol,

email me w/ any ?'s


your unofficial techy =)
Randy W
2007-09-28 05:30:20 UTC
WiFi simply put is a series of Radio waves transmitted on a certain frequency that enables the ability of bidirectional communication between a point of access and a computer or from computer to receiver. It has the ability to use encryption and signal scrambling technologies for security and authorized user access.

It can also us SSID for Security of it's signal to prevent unauthorized users from gaining access to the signal.

Depending on the system a password my be needed, but if it a public forum or free access then simply scanning for a signal and attaching is all that is required to gain access.
2007-09-28 05:26:59 UTC
There are many kinds of wifi networks. some are open and allow anyone to connect. Others are secured using passwords, keys, or MAC addresses. Many restaurants offer free internet ie. Pantara's, some Mcdonalds even. Once you enable wifi you must do a search for available networks and try to connect to one. If it allows you a connection you should have internet access.
Tracy L
2007-09-28 05:41:11 UTC
Wifi is probably one of the most misunderstood computer technologies today. The intent of the devices was to eliminate the need for an ethernet cable to connect to your network. Well that has progressed a lot and has caused a ton of confusion about what it is supposed to do for you.

It is supposed to eliminate the need for an ethernet cable to connect to YOUR network. You simply add a wireless router to your broadband connection and you can use your laptop without having a cable tethering you to your router. If you setup your own network by all means setup and require a password (WPA, WEP security) to keep your self safe and other people out!

There are also several "Public Hot Spots" that have cropped up that allow you to "borrow" an internet connection. These are showing up everywhere, McDonalds, Libraries, Starbucks, Borders Books, etc. These connections are open (some you have to pay to use and do require passwords etc) and allow you when traveling to use your laptop easily connected to the internet.

One very popular and incorrect assumption is that if there is an OPEN access Point you can connect to it. You can but unless you have specific permission from the owner you will be in violation the laws concerning illegal computer network usage in ALL states of the US and in the UK and Canada.

Here is a list of those laws.

and so you know what they look like, here is the NY statute

"N.Y. Penal Law § 156.00 to 156.50

§ 156.05 Unauthorized use of a computer.

A person is guilty of unauthorized use of a computer when he or she knowingly uses, causes to be used, or accesses a computer, computer service, or computer network without authorization.

Unauthorized use of a computer is a class A misdemeanor."

If you connect to another persons network, which you have to do to use WIFI then you are stealing a service and using a computer service.. This is what gets people into trouble.

You need to also be aware there are people setting up "WIFI" in order to steal YOUR information! They simply pick a very public place and setup an open network. You come in connect to it and start reading your emails, checking your bank balance, checking your credit cards etc. Next thing you know your email is being used for spam, your bank acount is emptied, your cards are charged to the max, your ID has been stolen. How, well when you connect to a network the person running that network CAN monitor all the network traffic. This includes all the packets of data you send, if they want they can simply capture these and read them latter thus revealing your communications!

So use wifi, but use it legally and safely. Use ONLY locations you know are safe and have permission to use, use encryption (your password on your system), use a firewall on your computer as well as antivirus, and in public locations -- turn off all network shares! Use it at your school, use it at home. It works to replace the need for a network cable! When used that way its great!
2007-09-28 06:09:08 UTC
The best answer is always rewarded - why offer something that is automatic.

The wireless equiped notebook is half of the picture.

The other half is a wireless router or wireless access point. The two work together (much like a wired pc works with a network switch).

I suggest you first take your notebook to a community Wi Fi location (cafe, library, etc) and connect it there to confirm it works. Once you have confirmed it, you now need to procure a wireless access point for home use or you need to replace your exisitng router with a wireless router. Follow the directions that are in the manual and BE SURE TO INSTALL SECURITY on your wireless or all the hackers in the area will find you and freeload from you.
2007-09-28 05:27:57 UTC
Wifi works on one of many channels, frequencies, etc.

The normal type is 802.11g. b is an older, slower standard, and n is the latest, greatest kind. They are all compatible. 'a' was after b, but wasn't backwards compatible and died out.

Wifi networks can be encrypted using WEP, WPA, or other passwords and 40, 64 or 128 (best) bit encryption. It is a good idea to have a password on the wireless network, but isn't required. And some cheaper wireless cards have trouble with the better security.

A note, not all wireless signals are legitimate. Malicious individuals can broadcast a signal with internet access who hope you'll enter passwords to banks, use a credit card, etc. So be careful where you log into those sites.
2007-09-28 05:27:26 UTC
Since you don't have your own wireless router to connect to, you could try turning on the wifi feature of your laptop and it will tell you if there are any wireless systems in range. The ones that are set up correctly will require a security code to connect to it, but there are some people who do not set up the security. You could connect to an unsecure network. There are a couple of potential problems doing that though. You could have your computer hacked if the network is set up by someone looking to get personal information from people. It is also illegal to connect and use the internet service of the network owner without their permission - it is considered theft of service. There are places, such as some hotels and restaurants that have free wireless service or they offer pay by the hour or day service. Some cities even offer free wireless services to get people to go downtown.
2007-09-28 05:37:12 UTC
You need to Active your WiFi before you using, firstly, make sure your driver already installed.

second, find proper between your keyboard (top) can you see the wifi logo (it may at the side of your laptop).

* if you saw the logo at your top of your keyboard (then press Fn + that button show the Wifi logo)

then it will suite on your Wifi connection. As you knew if you want using the Wifi function, ensure your house or area have the wifi support or connection.

** after you suite on the Wifi function you can see the logo at your Right bottom of your windows have a connection icon (like LAN connection icon) , you can try to search of it . if the user no lock the network , you may can get a free connection :)
2007-09-28 05:34:57 UTC

WiFi setting is very tipical for new user.

u dont need password if u dont have Netgear WiFi product.

all other company brand will work without password.

but....setting of WiFi is very different from product to product.

so.....i suggest if u wanna try then get ready to RnD.... use manual of WiFi whole manual....and do the same step by step. ur Broadband provider....they will do free of i think..coz that one is the part of there job.

gud luck...
2007-09-28 15:20:30 UTC
WiFi basically means wireless internet. In order to have wireless internet, you will need a cable modem and a wireless router.
2007-09-28 05:25:16 UTC
wi fi needs to have wep security or it is not save. You can connet your laptop to unsecured networks but only if they are hotspots otherwise you will be connectiong into someones home internet connection. I you get a router make sure you put a pasword on it otherwise someone could steal your internet bandwitch.
2007-09-28 05:24:34 UTC
for wifi you need to have wireless internet connection within reach of your range. only for secured wireless network you need password.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.