Try looking into a Dell Notebook. They're usually inexpensive, and come with a nice warranty for the price. If money is no issue, you can also look into the ThinkPad by IBM. Its EXTREMELY durable, and also has a good warranty. But if all else fails. Try a MacBook. They've alwasy been the best in replacement and repairs, for little to no cost, even when its your fault. And it has data protection functions, like if you drop it, it will turn off the hard drive to protect from damaging the data. If thats all you plan on using it for though, just get a TomTom or an Alpine/Kenwood head unit. The usually have GPS along with DVD capabilities. And not that it matters, but the most rugged notebook award belongs to a ferrari notebook, but its expenisve for no reason :P. Just search around a bit, and try asing the companys, usually they'll help you find what your looking for, from the start. Good luck, and happy shoppin
PS Noticed someone else mention Sony, and Toshiba. Avoid these, they are ddurable, but more on a non abuse way. They can take a large load of process, but when it comes to dropping them, and shock, they werent made for that. Really they're for speed, and..well...looks :\
Heres a link for a dell that meets military standards but it starts at $2500
And heres a link for a company that makes water resistant, shock proof, dust proof, and glare proof along with an amazing warranty. Just for kicks