If you want to run a server, you are better renting a server.
It costs 18 dollars a month for up to 36 players
I use Gizmoservers for my server IP:
The reason I say that is because for a minecraft server, the computer
needs to be on 24/7 and connected to internet 24/7
A personal laptop is a bad idea for a minecraft server
A new windows 7 or windows 8 laptop with minimum specs will cost $400
you can get a used/refurbished gaming laptop for around $600 on amazon / ebay
Still, are you going to leave your laptop on all night and day?
What if your friends want to get on at 6 am?
on that laptop that guy says for $350- look at the reviews
and the $400 one, like I said its basic
Basic CPU,graphics, and ram
doesnt even have dedicated graphics card
But it can still run minecraft on medium
will get server lag if you are connected by wifi though