Netbooks, and tablet PC's, (Small laptops) don't have as much power as their full size laptop 'cousins'.
With an Operating System like WinXP, this can be an issue. With an O/S like Ubuntu, it's not.
Because Ubuntu Linux isn't a 'bloated' O/S. It doesn't have everything a user can possibly want to use, and the kitchen sink!
You may be going. "OH!"
Hold on, it doesn't mean Ubuntu is a lesser O/S! It actually means Ubuntu is superior!
How's that? Because YOU the USER, put what YOU want, for programs and applications on your computer. Not be dictated what the O/S wants you to have!
This way, your computer isn't stuffed with a bunch of junk.
Plus, Ubuntu, (Or any Linux based O/S), handles programs and applications faster. It's the way the kernel, inside the O/S (Operating System), was made.
This is why a relative non-powerful computer, can use a Linux based O/S, and be as powerful as larger, more powerful computers.
PLUS, there are THOUSANDS of FREE programs and applications for a Linux based O/S computer!
How? Because they are Open Source.
One of which is OpenOffice. (Free)
A computer that has OpenOffice on it, can use anything generated on a computer that has MS Office.
A computer that has MS Office, can use anything generated on a computer that has OpenOffice on it.
There is no learning curve for a previous Windows user. The graphical interface looks VERY similar to MS Office. Only the names of the programs is different.
1.Info on about OpenOffice,
2.OpenOffice home page,
3,Screenshot's of OpenOffice,
(Besides hovering your mouse cursor on each program screenshot, you can Left-click once on it, and enlarge the view)
There is a lot more info on this page.
Just ONE example, of free software.
I would like you to read this about Malware, (Viruses, Trojans, Spyware, etc), when using a Linux based O/S,
For a longtime Windows user, a Linux based O/S, (Ubuntu is Linux based), is a bit of a learning curve. Not really in the sense of 'Learning Curve', you might expect, though. Not in a bad sense,
Edit: Unlike their Windows 'cousins', Ubuntu (Linux) based netbooks, don't have the limited issues that Windows based O/S netbooks have.
I think the answer given about netbooks is great, and I believe the information to be correct, EXCEPT when basing it on a Linux based O/S (Ubuntu) computer.
You CAN run videos. You CAN listen to music. You CAN do LOT's of stuff, that a Windows based non-powerful computer CANNOT.
I don't blame my esteemed colleague, that works at a computer store, for his lack of knowledge about Linux O/S based computers. MANY people don't have a clue!
(Made in 2006. Ubuntu has evolved WAY beyond this point!)
Some of this is possible with a non-powerful computer. SOME of it, indeed, does take a wee more power! lol!
It's a fast video showing the 3D desktop available when using the Compiz Fusion windows manager, add-on.
Aeroglass for Vista, is a windows manager. Compiz Fusion makes it look like a BABY!
A 3D desktop is a cube. There are FOUR desktop screens available. AT THE SAME TIME!! You just spin the cube.
The 3D desktop has evolved into where you can make it a Sphere.
4.Like this, for one,