2012-08-23 12:22:19 UTC
It's an Agility3 120GB OCZ and I still got it inside the box because there is a lot of fuss going on about how careful you must be with those drives in order for them to work properly.
So since I am a beginner I thought I'd ask some basic things such as:
a) Can they be partitioned? I want to install Win7 , Win8 and Linux on this baby.
b) Do they need any kind of maintenance? Like defragment , or clean up etc.
c) What are the things I need to be carefull about when I install a new OS on an SSD?
(e.g. I remember one time my best friend bought one SSD for himself and asked a relevant question - some guy told him , after the installation of the OS is done , to move a certain file - part of the system which actually reads/writes continiously on the disk - to a normal HDD so that the read/write limit of the SSD won't wear off too quickly.)
d) Do I really need an SSD-case? I know that for desktops the pre-defined drive space is 3.5'' whereas SSDs are 2.5'' so they need a special base-case so that they can fit correctly. What if I leave it let's say on top of my never-being-used CD/DVD Writer and connect the cables. Is that so harmfull?
Thanks in advance for all your time and answers. Whatever other info you may have I'm all ears.