You can install a Linux O/S. But be aware of a few things.
(I recommend Ubuntu)
Linux is not Windows. Don't compare them. Get mentally prepared
for a whole new world.
1.Linux is a superior O/S. You aren't tied down to what the MS giant wants you to have. You have so many free programs, and applications, it isn't funny! (1000's!)
You can change your copy of Linux ANY WAY YOU WANT TO!
If you want a multi-color desktop with a Pink rainbow in the background, you can have one! (Me? Uh, no thanks!) If you have extensive programming skills, you can write your own code. You can change a Linux O/S to truly be your own, and not like anyone else's.
2.Linux isn't a power hungry, resource hungry O/S. It doesn't use up a bunch of the processor, and the ram memory. It isn't a bloated software. There aren't a bunch of inane software programs installed that you don't want.
Because YOU, are the one that decides what goes on your computer, not some software giant!
All the programs and applications are free. They are Open Source software. They are written by professionals who have no hidden agenda to meet, nor trying to make a buck. They have other jobs, and just like to write programs, and applications. These people are all over the WORLD! (Nice people! I salute them! lol!)
3.Remember Malware? All the nice little trojans, spyware, viruses, etc,? Well, write them a goodbye note, and throw it in the trash.
Linux has a superior kernel design than Windows does. (MAC too)
A Linux user operates above the root file. The user has to enter their username and password, to access the root file. In Windows this not the case. The user operates on the same level as the root file. Since they have access to it, so do the 'Malware Baddies'!
4.Play games? You can't play games on a Linux O/S!
Yeah. Right!
So I suppose the guy above that has dual monitors running, off of one computer, Linux installed, and is playing CS:S and WoW AT THE SAME TIME, is just a figment of everyone's imagination!
Plus the hundreds of videos on YouTube! (Click on the links at the right in Related Videos. These are a start. They lead you to other vids)
5.Have you seen the Vista Aeroglass windows manager? Well check out the Compiz Fusion window manager,
Compiz Fusion used to be Beryl. Beryl merged with the Compiz Community, and is now Compiz Fusion. They started out with a 3D Desktop. You have four desktop screens. Now it has evolved to a cylinder shape, and a triangle. There are a LOT more features. This is just the tip!
I use Ubuntu. Nothing against the other Linux based O/S'es. (There are hundreds!)
Ubuntu was brought about by a man named Mark Shuttleworth. Look him up on YouTube,, and the 'net.
The name Ubuntu roughly translates out into,
"For All Humanity". It is free, and will ALWAYS be free!
6.You can download the iso file off of the 'net, (Takes me about 1:45 minutes with a medium speed DSL connection), check it to make sure you have a good download, then slowly burn it to a CD disk.
OR, you can use Wubi.
A. (Vid 1 of 7. Follow the other links on the right in Related Videos. Look for the user name, Roblimo)
B.Info about Wubi on
C,Wubi homepage: