What OS is best Mac. or Windows and why?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
What OS is best Mac. or Windows and why?
Ten answers:
2007-12-03 16:38:40 UTC
Hi, I have a Macbook, a Windows machine, and a Linux machine. The truth is that Apple is a money stealing piece of s***. Anything u want to do on OS X u need an Apple membership for, so if u want a good experience with OS X then u will have to give ur credit card to them. Windows Vista or Microsoft is way better in this regard, they don't ask money for everything and r not as expensive compared to Macs. The problem with Windows is security though it has improved with Windows Vista. I think Linux is the best system ever, there r no company advertisements, its safe and reliable and can be fully customized. Since ur decision is between Mac and Windows I would say get a Mac if u have a lot of spare cash cause Apple wants money for even freakin starting the machine, and only if u pay for their services do u have a good computer experience, if u don't have enough cash then get Windows.

Good Luck!
awesome man
2007-12-03 16:31:43 UTC
The only thing bad about macs are the users (eww... fanboys) and the price.

Which is why I prefer windows.
2016-05-28 05:37:13 UTC
No. Mac OS can only legally be installed on an Apple computer.
2007-12-05 21:05:18 UTC
I would say Mac. You can use a program to turn your Mac into a Windows.
2007-12-03 16:32:40 UTC
get a mac. it's easier to do things like work stuff , fun stuff and creative stuff.

more cool apps come with a mac.

pc's( windows machines) tend to spontaniously give the blue screne of death more often. macs are way more reliable.
2007-12-03 17:34:39 UTC
It depends somewhat; if you're an avid gamer, you should go for a PC with Windows, eventually build one yourself or have it built for you.

If not, consider this; the Mac OS X has just come out with its 5th version in 7 years, while Microsoft came out with one version during that time. New versions of Mac OS X come in one version and you pay one price, so the day you want to upgrade, it is easy - and the OS is also cheaper than Windows.

The computers itself are more expensive, but not so much if you compare specs. But Apple doesn't have computers in the lower price range.

If you need to use a Windows-only application, you can do it on a Mac, but you will have to have a legal copy of Windows to be able to run Windows on the Mac as well. If you want, you can also run Linux.

When you buy a new Mac, it comes with a package of good programmes which in themselves are worth a lot. These are programmes for making movies, organise your photos, make music, web pages etc. and each of these are considered among the best you can get.

So far, Mac OS hasn't had much problems with viruses and stuff - well, although some alarms have been raised, there haven't been any real problems at all for users. This doesn't mean that it can't happen, though. Nothing is perfect in this world.

So, those are the pros. Now for the contras.

You will have to deal with a few incompatibilities, although not as many as people often claim. Office comes for Macs, too, and you can even use the free NeoOffice which should take care of that.

There might be web services which are very Windows-oriented and that may cause you problems, although it is becoming more and more rare these days. Having Firefox installed, helps a lot there.

If you use MSN a lot, the version for Mac is not so advanced as the one for Windows, but I've heard a new version is coming soon. For now, the Mac-version doesn't support audio and video-chat, but you can use Skype for that.

There might also be some problems with reading mail messages and attahcments between other mail clients and Outlook, but not much.

Last, Apple fanbois are not so bad at all:) Some of us are only glad to help if you have problems, too:)

But all said, it is of course also a question of money and you can get a good PC for less money and Vista is not so bad, I hear, although there are problems with drivers etc.

PS: gangster up there is coming with a few lies about Mac which it would be interesting to see some sources to. You don't have to pay a thing to use the OS, of course. What he probably is thinking of is the extended Apple Care Plan which you can buy if you want and not buy if you don't. You can also buy something which is called a dot mac-membership, but you would only need one if you have a little business or something and not even then. If you want to use iChat, you have to get a 2 months try out membership for dot mac, but after the period is expired, you continue to use your iChat-nick for free and Apple is not going to bother you any more about that. (I think they could have skipped that, too, but...)

If you want to use iTunes, you don't have to use the Music Store and you don't have to buy an iPod. If you want a mulit-button mouse, you can use any you like. It doesn't have to be from Apple. Same goes for keyboards or monitors etc.

But that is typical for the rumours spread about Apple's products, alas.
2007-12-03 16:34:34 UTC
Here's how professionals evaluate OSs...

Take the applications you want to run. Find out which OS can run your applications. The one that can run your apps is the best one for you. OS is just a tool to run apps.

Since there aren't too many apps that run both on Windows and Mac OS, it will determine your choice faily easily. True, Mac can run Windows, too, but you will need to have an OS running within OS (or dual boot) and you'll have to purchase an additional OS.

Technically, MacOS, I feel, is superior, but since it doesn't run my favorite Apps (Quicken), it is not an OS for me.

(keep in mind, while Quicken and MS Office have a version for Mac, they are MUCH older version)

Many people equate Windows with instability. The last time I had any type of freeze up or BSOD (Blue Screen Of Death) was with Windows NT 4.0. Windows has matured quite a bit in years.
2007-12-03 16:31:31 UTC
2007-12-03 16:37:31 UTC
Mac. All the way. Here are several reasons why:

1) First and foremost, you can run Windows on the new Macs. So you can have both OSs on Mac if you want. I do. Works great.

2) Macs (so far) are pretty much immune to viruses.

3) They are sleek, cool, well made, easy to maintain and upgrade, and much more user-friendly. For example, look at the mouse. One friggin' button. Windows have two, plus some have a click wheel too.

4) No complicated drivers and security restrictions to worry about. Any time there is an update, your machine automatically downloads them and installs them without you having to figure out where they go.

5) The programs included with Mac make doing "normal" stuff super easy, like uploading digital photos, making movies, websites, etc.

6) There are tons of free programs on the Apple website that can be used for tons of stuff.

7) Since I have one, if you get a Mac, you'll finally be cool like me.
2007-12-03 16:50:19 UTC
I'd buy the Mac...

-Macs are really fast, speaking as a Mac user who has to frequently use PC's.

-They just look better, in most of the movies I see where they are using laptops, they are using a Mac and not always because Mac pays them to either.

-If you want Windows, Macs can run that too. So it’s like getting two computers in one really fast one, Mac OS X and Windows. All software available on PC's you can now run through Bootcamp on a mac.

-If you’re a graphic designer, it’s pretty much common knowledge a Mac is for you. They’re great with graphic designers.

-No viruses, no spyware, nothing threatening your computer. No need to run all those Spyware/Virus prevention software, because Macs pretty much don’t get viruses.

-It’s really easy to navigate and get the hang of, the Mac Help on the computer is excellent. Plus if Mac help isn’t helping you can call Mac or go to an Apple store.

-It comes with iLife (Garage Band, iDvd, iMovie HD, iTunes, iWeb)

-They come out with better updates and more frequent updates.

-Also, I've read a lot of more recent articles on Mac and PC pricing, and Mac's are more expensive at first... But when you have a two year old Dell and a two year old Mac with similar tech specs and try to sell them on ebay. The mac will sell for much more, ultimately being cheaper than the Dell just because of the money made resold.

(I can't find the link about the resell thing, but if I find it I'll put it up later in the sources)

Vista vs. Leopard

I've had my mac forever, and I just updated to Leopard, but all of my friends have Windows Vista at school (I was the only one in the grade that has a mac) and Leopard operates much, much better.

My friends all lose their files (The computer deletes them), their computers are much slower, they crash frequently, they are always going to the IT department to get them to fix the laptops, their applications crash a lot too.

By contrast, my laptop has never lost a file, crashed, it's faster, and I rarely have to go to the IT department.

Whenever I have to borrow one of theirs, it takes about 5-10 minutes to turn it on and log in. Whereas mine takes 1 minute max to log in and turning on is much faster as well.

But it's easier to get software and stuff like that for Windows, so if you need that (and usually better priced software, or in my cases anyway) you should go for Windows.

Good luck!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.