How can i tell if my hard drive is going bad?
2006-04-11 13:19:07 UTC
How can i tell if my hard drive is going bad?
Five answers:
2006-04-11 13:24:12 UTC
run scandisk and make sure you check the option to scan the surface area for physical damage. If your computer seems to be running slower and there is a kind of grinding noise coming from the drive, it's probably time to replace it before losing all of your data.
2006-04-11 13:27:04 UTC
If its making a bunch on new noises while its operating, then you very likely have a impending failure of the drive. You might have to consider doing a total back up before it crashes.
2006-04-11 13:23:08 UTC
Unless its making really loud noise its fine.

chances are whatever problem you are experiencing has nothing to do with your physical drive.

if your drive did suffer a head crash(most common form of hard drive failure) it simply wouldn't work
2006-04-11 13:22:43 UTC
It will take forever to do stuff, or freeze up or make clicking noises. You can do a scan of the disk to find out.
2006-04-17 01:03:02 UTC
run scandisk then defrag disk, defrag will tell you if you have any bad clusters

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