2013-03-04 16:00:55 UTC
my computer says that the drivers for my integrated webcam are working properly, and it used to work for online webcams but I tried downloading Dell Webcam Central (i swear it should come already on the machine? and I don't have the disk btw) the other day and now it won't work for logitech, or any online webcams. And when I go through the installation process for Dell Webcam Central it STUPIDLY says to check if my Dell Webcam Central is working WHEN I'M TRYING TO INSTALL THE FUDGING THING IN THE FIRST PLACE
So, if you could tell me either:
1. a dell webcam central download that I probably haven't seen before (that works)
2. a way to get my integrated webcam to work (I don't know how downloading Dell Webcam Central made it stop working for online webcams but it did) for software and online
Also, I'm not the best with computer language, so please simplify your explanation.
Full points for best answer :)