What your best bet is, the second option, the Retina Macbook Pro.
However, I strongly don't recommend buying an Apple product these days, especially a Macbook and here's why.
First of all, even more Macbooks are going to be announced in like 6 months, so whatever you are aiming at right now will probably become a hundred dollars plus cheaper, so that's one.
Second, PC's outperform Macs in almost every single aspect. Gaming performance, rendering, loading speeds, you know all of that.
If you are going to buy a Mac however just for browsing online, then it is a HUGE and I mean HUGGEEEE waste of money, (because Macs are just overpriced). What you can do is buy a Chromebook, A laptop that is as light as 0.5 KG, about 1 pound, and handles online speeds like a lightning bolt (pun intended :)
So please, only if you have to, do not buy a Mac.