John P
2013-02-10 22:16:29 UTC
I have a girlfriend who asked me for some help with her laptop. Her current little netbook is having "power cable port issues" and isn't holding a charge. She has taken it to Microcenter, and it will cost $200 for the part and labor.
When she told me that, she then showed me two other laptops she had in the house from previous employment. One is an Lenovo Thinkpad T60 running windows XP, and the other is an HP Elite Book 8440p running Windows 7.
Both laptops turn on, but since they were once connected to the old company's network, the SecureDoc Boot Logon appears. After logging in there, you are then taken to a screen for a windows login requiring username/password.
I'm assuming she can't install additional software, or connect to a public wifi hotspot with all this old corporate IT protective ware. Since she no longer needs any of that added security or additional protection, I thought I could help her wipe both hardrives completely clean and start over.
We would have to re-install windows then, in which she could decide whether windows 7 or even windows 8 makes sense. I myself just upgraded to windows 8, so I think the HP Elitebook she has could perform well with it.
I am not computer illiterate, but I don't have a lot of "wiping hardrive experience." I am trying to make sure that if we wipe the hardrive clean, that will get everything off of it (including any old work security or data) so that when we start over it's basically up to us to re-install everything. She is in the process of moving and trying to sell a lot of her things, so Ebay/Craigslist, being able to connect to wifi at a starbucks/panera, load pictures, do research, use microsoft word and excel, etc. Basically she wants to turn these back into everyday laptop that can be for general use.
Again because of the old work part, I don't know if she has administrative rights on these computers (ie: corporate help desk used to troubleshoot all computer related issues) so we just need to find the easiest way to start from scratch. I have my laptop here if taking her hard drive onto my computer and wiping it clean makes sense.
I certainly appreciate any/all your help and advice, and if you have any would be great if you could explain everything out, so that I could just follow step by step. Hope everyone has a great week. jp