Listen here, I'm the MacOSXpert and I can tell you an infinite amount of ways a Macintosh can benefit you, But since this is Yahoo! Answers I will tell you only these:
1) Why buy a PC? With a PC you can get:
•Viruses,Spyware,Trojans- Oh my!
• Blue screens, Sudden crashes, Losing ALL YOUR HARD WORK all in a flash.
•Not user-friendly, Requires advanced ideals to be able to work with seamlessly.
•PCs are easily vulnerable.
A) Macs can not get viruses. They can however get Spyware, usually harmless spyware. You can easily become immune to Spyware and Trojan horses as well. In all my years of using Macintosh, I have not once encountered a Virus on my Mac.
B) On a Mac, Our 'Blue screen' is a Kernel Panic, which is much more informative and simple to fix.
C) On a Mac, you need basic knowledge to work seamlessly together. The more technical you work with your Mac, the easier it is to understand advanced computing.
D) Macs are very secure computers with built in firewall and an all-around safe OS.
2) Why buy a Mac? On a Mac, you don't need to use 'Boot camp' to install the windows OS.
You can simply use Wine to install and use windows programs onto your Mac, sure it takes a while to absorb the ways of the Terminal. This includes every single piece of Windows program you can think of!
3) The Apple corporation acknowledges college students with great pride and provides education discounts on ALL items they sell, in-store and online at
Not only that, iTunes has it's own little database of college prep podcasts, audiobooks and many more!
4) Macs are fast computers, even with little memory and all the amazing features on it.
5) This nifty application which is found in the Applications>Utilities folder is built into every new Macintosh and is a great way to make the most out of your Mac.
6) Macs are very portable and easy-to-use, as a College student, a Mac would be your best choice due to many reasons including it's portability. (Macbooks, Macbook Pros)
7) Mac gaming- Gaming on a Mac has very little flaws. As I've pointed out, you can use ANY Windows application on a Macintosh thanks to a program called Wine.
8) Everything High-end is built into your Mac. Apple isn't stingy on SOME parts they put into their products. Graphics, Hard-drives, Material, Software, etc.
9) Macs are the most Eco-Friendly computers currently on the Market. You can control how much energy your Mac outputs and when it comes time for Disposal, Macs don't hurt the environment thanks to environmentally-friendly material!
10) Macs run Windows better than PCs (Like Dell, Toshiba, Gateway, Panasonic, etc) run Windows.
That's right, Macs run Windows faster and with better performance than it's PC counterpart.
The shame!
11) Macs have something for everyone. Whether you're a Parasitologist (Studies Parasites) ,McDonalds employee, A Lawyer, A Doctor, even President of the United States, The Macintosh Operating System has something for you.
12) Macs are great for ANYTHING.
You can watch movies, play games, Study for a test, Listen/Edit/Create Music, Edit/Create Brilliant Hollywood Quality Movies or simply browse the internet. Macs will do it, Faster and with better Performance than any High-end PC.
I hope Apple can count on you to be it's next satisfied customer.
Be sure to include these when purchasing a Mac:
Carrying case
iPod or iPhone