If it was working fine and now bluescreens then something has probably changed on your system.
Have you updated any drivers or changes your configuration at all? Does the laptop ever blue screen with running any other program or just that particular game? There are loads of BSOD but you give no info on the error number or dialogue would would allow more focused advide.
The error number shown when you get a blue screen gives valuable info on what is causing the trouble.
Best generic advice [as you post no details of error number]
Check your graphics drivers are up to date and download and update if available.
Try using system restore to roll back your system to before the blue screens started to appear
Check whether your graphics chip [you give no info on your hardware at all, which would have helped] is powerful to run the game at the settings you are using.
Check if your graphics chip supports hardware acceleration and if it does and it is enabled, try running the game with it disabled.
Check that your hard disk is not running out of space. At least 15% should be free to avoid problems
itt may even be an issue with that particular game. Have you tried searching the Sims forums on the web to see if others have posted similar issues [they may have fixes or workarounds]
If you post further details on the error message and number on the BSOD and hardware configuration then this will allow more focused advice.