I got a macbook pro back in 2011, the original charger over heated to the point a corner of the charger melted, turning the casing brown and burning through the protective white rubber around the cables of the adapter. I bought another apple brand charger which met a similar fate relatively quickly just as the first had. And so I tried a alternative charger (non apple brand), and it does the same as well. They have all heated up to the point where they are painful to touch or pick up. I have made sure the connecting between the magnet and the computer is clean, and still get the same effect. I unplug the charger the minute my laptop is fully charged and unplug it from the wall and disconnect it from the laptop. I never have it on any cloth, i don't have it incased in anything, its always on a cool, flat surface when i charge my laptop. So why does this keep happening? Its rather annoying to have to go out and buy a new charger so frequently (Every 3-6 months depending on how much I have to use my laptop). Is there a reason behind this?