2010-08-26 01:09:39 UTC
I'm a high school student, and I currently own a Dell PC Desktop, which I use at home (obviously) for homework, facebook, tumblr, web browsing, photoshop, etc, etc.
My desktop is kind of waning, and I wanted to get a laptop. I've used PCs my whole life, except for limited mac usage in elementary school every once in a while. But I decided that I finally want to make the "switch" to apple. (not really a switch since I'll still be using the desktop simultaneously)
DON'T try to tell me that I shouldn't, or that I'm wasting money, etc. Because I know the arguments for both sides.
I'll be purchasing the i7 15" Macbook pro, mainly for usage at school and for travel. It might take some time before I start using the laptop as my main computer over the Dell PC, since I won't be used to it at first. (or is this really not an issue?)
My question is if this transition will be difficult/annoying? Apparently, Mac OS is super user friendly and it shouldn't be a problem, but since I will be using it for the first time...and because I will be using it simultaneously while I use Vista on my Dell (which I hate, btw...might switch to 7 in the future) it could be difficult. Should I install Windows onto my Macbook Pro? Or at least at first to help ease my way in? Or am I just blowing this out of proportion, and is it really not a big deal?