Okay the pros and the cons of the VISTA operating system.
First- I must say that as far as the graphics capabilities of Vista, very nice, the fade-in and fade out effect is quite nice too, as well as the More rounded edges in fonts and what not.
Second- The way the interface is laid out- you can choose from several different ones, like for example, you can have a "Docking station" on the bottom of the screen with all of your quick launch buttons to your applications.
Now the cons:
Although Vista has a very nice look to it- The programmers at Microsoft did nothing to change kernel- it's exactly the same as the one you would find in Windows 2000 and in XP.
So- Much of the way Vista operates is based on the OS of XP, which can be seen in some of the features.
Vista also has a problem with device drivers:
There are far too many to mention, but they do promise over at Microsoft that drivers for hardware and software will become readily available soon. But what do you do in the meantime? The complaints are numerous, since some people who used XP cannot used certain features anymore- because of the incompatibility.
And now - the resources the Vista Uses Versus XP is tremendous, I've actually done a side by side comparison,
First- I did a regular boot-up, XP was already up and running, whereas Vista was still loading, even though the Machine with Vista was a far superior machine, it had a Dual core processor, and much more memory to boot, still slow at start-up.
And as for opening a simple application, such as open a .JPEG photo, in XP it's instant, but Vista, Lags, Loading, Loading, Loading.
So - the real question is- is it worth to have Vista?
No - it think not- Not for another year or so, until then Vista will also be known as "The Windows Millennium OS" which had way to many problems, just like vista, I wonder when Computer OEM's will ask themselves the same question.