The problem is this... my boss decided to get me to fix labtops which is not my speciality... i have never had to before. I am working on a IBM thinkpad R40. When i turned it on there was a prompt for a password to get into the BIOS. I work for a job where we get recycled computers for other companies and then fix them up and do a fresh install so that the computers and labtops can be used by schools. So the passwords on the machines we have no way of knowing. My boss told me one to try and it worked.. so he said when i get into bios to get him. So i did. He went into the supervisor password option and entered the old password and for the new password he just hit enter which disabled it. So when i go to do the install i turned the computer back on. And now it prompts me for a password again except this time the old pass dont work and either does hitting enter. Anyone have an idea on how to get past this password so i can get back into the BIOS?????