2011-07-11 12:28:48 UTC
I'm not too hardware savvy so here is roughly what I'm looking for:
Critical Stuff:
-Must be cheaper than $1300 USD (not expecting top of the line, but at least being able to run games smoothly on medium settings would be nice, willing to spend a bit more but hopefully less)
-Must have decent/fairly recent gaming graph card/Video card (Nvidia GeForce, ATI, whatever)
-Must be able to run games/emulators smoothly(My job requires me to be on the road a lot, so I'd like to be able to run my ps2 games on my laptop, again this is where my current GPU lets me down)
A few pc games I'd like to be able to run nicely are:
-Starcraft II
-Mafia II
-Portal II
-L.A. Noire
-Batman Arkham Asylum
-Ninja Blade
Other stuff:
Memory: Should be greater than 3GB ram, DDR3 or whatever else is good would be nice.
Processor/CPU: I hear AMD is better for gaming than Intel , i3, i5, i7 and core whatever, but really have no experience with AMD, please tell me what you think. Right now I have Intel Core 2 Duo T6500 @ 2.1GHZ, so something better than that would be cool.
HDD: Don't care about the brand or size, right now my laptop's HDD size is only 300 GB, I think everything is bigger than that now.
OS: Windows 7 please. I don't like Macbooks and have no interest in Linux at this time.
Screen size: Preferably 15" if not then 17". No 13" notebooks please as the keys are too small for my hands.
I think that's about it, apart from all the standard stuff like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, BluRay, Integrated Webcam, which are really just extras. I'm not picky about any brands, but I would prefer it if the mouse was in the middle rather than the left.
Thanks in advance for your time and help! :)