I'm sorry that this is happening to you.
I purchased a Sony vio laptop this last January or so and it came with Windows Vista, so far every thing has been working great. I would call the store where you got it and see if they have any suggestions. Other than that I'm not sure what the problem could be with it.
You may even want to call Windows and ask them if they can tell you how to do to fix this. I'm sure that they will be able to help you with it.
I have two phone numbers for Windows Micro Soft that I can give you. I know that one of them wasn't working, but I'm not quiet sure as to which is was. But the other was a good working number, as I used it my self with an issue I was having with my last computer.
Windows Micro Soft: phone numbers:
Give them a call, I'm sure that they should be able to tell you what is going on with it and they should be able to help you with the problem that your having.
Good luck, I hope that they can help you solve the problem that you are having with it.