2012-10-18 12:57:24 UTC
Pros for laptop:
-I can bring it to school to get work done
-Faster and does more than a tablet
-Will work for anything I do on a computer
-Will last at least partially through college
-Will work for my photography and music software
Cons for Laptop:
-Won't be up to the same par as when I go to college in two years
-may not last through college
-most classes won't let me use it during class for notes
Pros for Tablet:
-very portable
-with wireless keyboard, can work on papers and such
-can use in class for e-books and notes
-will work any basic thing I want to do
-cheaper than laptop
Cons for Tablet:
-still expensive
-can't do as much as a laptop (and won't work for my photo or music)
-harder to write long papers on
-won't work for everything in college
Pros for Neither:
-save money
-get a better computer when I go to college
-neither is a vital necessity
Cons for Neither:
-it would be easier to get work done with a laptop or tablet
-if I get a cheap one now I can still get a laptop before college if need be
-I'm left at the mercy of spotty school computers