Should i get a macbook or a laptop with vista?
2007-01-31 17:58:46 UTC
i've had a hp running windows xp for about a year now and im tired of carrying the heavy thing around school. i want to get a new smaller (lighter) laptop. i was convinced in buying a macbook hearing great things about apple. ive been getting fed up with all the threats norton keeps telling me about that i can't seem to get rid of and other stuff that is swaying me away from windows. with vista out now, it looks pretty good but i still like the mac. anything i should consider before making a purchase?
65 answers:
2007-01-31 18:24:39 UTC
If you get a MAC, why on earth would you want to run Windows. If you spend good money on a MAC, it should be a MAC. Don't poison it with Microsoft. If you want Windows, get a PC. Go to a retail store and look at all of the brands.

Of course, I don';t like laptops with exploding batteries, so SKIP Sony and Dell.

Personally, I like HP, Compaq and Toshiba for laptops.

Good luck and Happy Computing!
2007-01-31 18:40:12 UTC
You've had lots of answers, but most of them have come at it from a wrong angle.

Having used all sorts of laptops for real work, let me tell you I wouldn't touch a mac with a bargepole unless all you do is VERY simple letter-writing and note-taking. Basically, the software I need doesn't run on a mac.

One or two people have correctly pointed out that Vista is new and it's really far too soon to buy anything whihch relies on it. If there are no major bugs in the initial release I'll eat my hat. And yes, it will be a resources hog. Wait a year before even thinking about buying it.

Laptops are rarely seriously powerful machines and those that are usually have problems. That makes the advice to look at machines that will be remaindered off sound very good advice. You'll get something that will meet your needs for the next couple of years VERY reasonably. And that's long enough to rely on a laptop.
2007-01-31 18:39:59 UTC
Well, it does depend on what you want to do. Seriously, Macs are a lot more expensive than high-end PC laptops and as a student you need to take that into consideration. You can go into any computer store and there will be many different brands and models to choose from, so you have a bigger selection. I do recognize the fact that viruses are not aimed at OS X only because there isn't enough of a userbase to cause widespread disturbances which the virus writers are looking for. I have never had any form of unwanted software on any PC of mine, only because I have got the common sense to delete any spam email with an attachment like "Porn Video.exe" and not to click on any links in those spam emails. Using Firefox with the Google Toolbar will allow you to avoid ActiveX threats and the toolbar has built in phishing detection. This seems to be the only fact that Apple can really stand behind, and most of their commercials are about iLife and about their silly built in web cams, which are two ridiculous reasons to base a decision of buying a computer. It is your choice, and honestly Mac desktops excel in photo, audio, and video encoding tasks, but the MacBooks have had their share of technical problems. Vista is a great OS, albeit a little heavy on resources, but you don't need the latest and greatest hardware. Besides, it may have a few bugs because it just came out one day ago, so give it some time. Bringing up another point, Apple screws their users by releasing OS X 10.0, then .1, .2, and so on. That can be expensive and Microsoft doesn't do this with any of their operating systems. Emulators for PowerPC programs also don't come cheap, adding to the cost of a Mac. (Windows users don't really need to run OS X on their computers, do they?) I do in fact commend Microsoft for being prompt to fix the security holes in their operating system which has about 90% market share. They shouldn't be there but they do get patched relatively quickly. (Hmmm, I wonder why all the viruses are written for it then?) Another thing about Vista, it does take a few good ideas from Tiger, but at least Mac users can't boast about all the other "features" they have that windows doesn't, and Vista does have it's own slew of enhancements, with ReadyBoost being the most appealing to me. It has been proven that it does increase performance.

P.S. I'm editing my post in response to some of the other answers. Above me, the poster stated comments like "no viruses because of the Unix kernel beneath it", which I do agree with. However, other comments like "pop a CD in and a window opens with a list of tasks" are just plain stupid, since XP does that and so does Vista. Vista adds all those glorious search boxes as well, so no more bragging!

I hope this was worth your time and can help you make a wise decision! (you have a lot of reading on your hands!)
2007-01-31 18:17:33 UTC
Well, I have a Macbook and I really love it. Once you get used to the setup of the OS, things are pretty easy, and there are so many cool features and things that make your life so much easier. Just about anything and everything can be dragged and dropped. For example, say there's a file that you want to attach to an email. Just drag it over to the mail icon, and it'll automatically open a new email with that file attached. Also, if you want to take a screen shot, you can either take a shot of the whole screen, just one window, and you can also make a selection. This is mostly out of personal preference, and I haven't seen Vista yet, but I'm very content with my Macbook. This is my first Mac, and I'll never go back to Windows.
Rich Z
2007-01-31 18:09:01 UTC
I heard on a tech talk program today that the Vista operating system alone takes a couple of gigs of RAM. If you buy a laptop it needs much more than that to also run your programs. So expect a higher equipment cost. Now that Microsoft has released it for OEM use that will be the only PC operating system you will be able to get when you buy Dell, HP, etc. so be prepared for a real resource hog as a Windows operating system. It is enough to make a PC-loving and Mac-hating person like me think of changing to a Mac (something I thought I would never say).
2016-11-02 04:21:56 UTC
Macbook! i particularly have one and its great the reveal looks great and the safari browser works particularly good i heard vista is kinda iffy my sister has a laptop with vista and it doesnt artwork comfortably xp is larger yet particularly get a macbook :) and it will pass good with an ipod it okay nicely well worth the funds it may very final u as much as love 7-10 years with out crashing or any of that
2007-01-31 18:58:59 UTC
There is no real choice. Mac wins hands down. Okay, Get a small one. DO NOT GO FOR THE LARGE. That way it is real portable! Then on your desk have an external flat screen (the largest you can afford) and also an external keyboard and mouse. Now you got the best of both worlds. This is what I do and it works perfectly no problem. My keyboard is bluetooth wireless (built in). Internet is also wireless (airport built in). So I only have to plug in the screen, all my printers scanners etc are pluged into the back of the screen, so one quick connect does it. The dual screen set up is nice to. Price, about the same as if I had baught the biger laptop.
2007-01-31 18:22:18 UTC
Well, as you may know, PC's have many more security threats that Apple Computers. So, I think it would be best if you'd buy an Apple MacBook, they are much faster, and have many more features than windows. Can you believe that the design on Windows Vista was copied from Apple's "Aqua" design?! Thats awful, but they have a reason; it's just nicer and cooler than the older graphics designs. As you said, PC's tend to weigh more than Apples, and get heated faster, so the best choice would be Apple, for many reasons.


Think Different
Bush Whacker
2007-01-31 19:21:57 UTC
I'm not going to get in to the whole pc vs mac argument, but it sounds like your quarrel is with Norton products, which from my experience, suck... McAfee 2007 is even worse, being that you can't ever disable it and there are about a dozen background processes that make it the biggest resource hog ever. I recommend you try Kaspersky antivirus. You can test out the beta version for free (for as long as you wish might I add!) from their website. The only issues with the beta are a few glitches with windows vista, but you're using XP so who cares... Just don't set it to "extended" proactive defense mode during install.
2007-01-31 19:38:33 UTC
It is a matter of taste really. I personally prefer Windows, but my girlfriend enjoys the Mac OS. If you are computer literate, I would recommend Vista, since upkeep, updates and problem solving shouldn't be too much of a problem.

If you prefer the hassle free, reliable, more user friendly approach, go for a Mac. If you prefer compatibility, power and versatility, go for Vista.
2007-01-31 18:50:47 UTC
consider that you will hardly ever get a virus on a mac and you dont even need norton software or anything like that. Also consider that macs look a whole lot better and perform better as well. Vista is like a os x knockoff they are trying to be like mac to much and they cost more because of the 3d card that needs to be installed.

Go with the mac!
2007-01-31 18:20:16 UTC
get a vista its way better and you can play games better and even save your work better and you can always ask for a lighter laptop version and they can see what they can cook up for you and what about spy-ware not just viruses what about Trojans what about tracker cookies and back doors all that can get into a mac if macs are bought by hackers and plus don't be so sure a mac can get viruses its possible for it to get something else and by the way everything new gets bugs so at least wait a little before getting the vista plus a mac is only good for media like music or videos and photos but use the vista if your into games, big memory,editing,and its easier to use then an OS X desktop so i definitely support vista and further more try both :S and plus its made by William Gates or Bill Gates and its got automated security, so get vista.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2007-01-31 18:47:45 UTC
MAC's are great for digital work and music. Yes Windows has a lot of threats, but hopefully they will keep the firewalls and antivirus protection up to snuff and you should be ok. Gateway makes a great light weight laptop. I have used mac,dell and gateway and I still prefer the windows system. Check out tiger, they seem fairly knowlegable and their prices are good.
2007-01-31 18:31:57 UTC
If you mostly use your computer for word processing and accessing the internet, I would go with a Mac book. You can also run windows on the newer mac laptops so that you can do Excel spreadsheets etc. I am a Mac girl. I love it. I don't have to worry about viruses or long complicated upgrades every year. I love that you can easily run several apps at once with no noticeable lag.
2007-01-31 18:08:09 UTC
Get a mac worth the money. Why get vista now it just came out wait until other people find the bugs and let them fix then get vista after the bugs been fixed. Mac gets much more updates which prevents crashes anc anykind of viruses
2007-01-31 18:35:44 UTC
as mars wars against jupiter, leo the lion roars that you have a new vista in your future. snorton norton will make less noise as a macbook becomes the apple of your eye. but the cash demanded by apple can make applesauce of that option.

do you have the cash for apple and the time to learn apple? weigh the pros and cons. picture yourself unhappy with a purchase that takes too much of your cash or time. and don't trust the stars; they are only for entertainment purposes.
2007-01-31 18:27:10 UTC
If you are just using it it for papers and research then really any laptop will do, they are always being updated, and 'new' ones can soon be outdated. If its just for school don't use all your money on something cool. macs are awesome for graphic and videos and such - but if you don't need that - then don't worry about getting a mac.

Although I really do recommend mac b/c I hate windows and love the OS operating system in the macs :)
R. D
2007-01-31 18:35:37 UTC
Go Mac all the way. Less problems, more stable OS, fewer threats...better product.

(Besides...under that OS is Unix!)

We've been running Vista on some of our machines at looks nice but it is a resource hog.

(I work in the IT department of a Fortune 500 company)

Go with the Mac.
always under siege
2007-01-31 18:03:26 UTC
Macbook Pro's can run Windows Vista under Bootcamp. It won't be emulated. You'll just need to buy a copy of Vista.
2007-01-31 18:19:32 UTC

Your biggest concern is weight. and then size. You haven't mentioned COST.

I'd suggest you look at the range of small laptops that don't support Vista, because they don't have enough resources. The release of Vista should cause the cost of these to plummet, so you can pick up a real bargain.
2007-01-31 18:38:52 UTC
Hello dbhsfellas,

I've heard that the Microsoft Vista upgrade takes some major hardware requirements that maybe your HP won't have. You'll need to look into the minimum requirements.

OK here's my list of things I like about the Macintosh over Windows. I'm sorry that it is so long, but that's how it goes.

* No computer viruses.

You hear from the Windows people that it's because there are fewer Macs out there, but I think it's because of the Mac OS and it's Unix kernel. That doesn't explain why Vista got viruses before it was officially released. The Macintosh comes out of the box as a closed system. If you want it to be networked and remotely operated, you can make that happen, but you have to change it's settings first. Windows machines come out of the box as an open system. That's so the IT guy can set up the hardware, attach it to the company's network, and install the software remotely from the comfort of his own desk.

If you want to install any kind of software onto your Mac, you first need to type in your administrative password. There is no auto-install for a virus to attach itself to your Mac without your Okay. That is the simple answer why there hasn't been any viruses for the Macintosh in the past 6 years. Another is that first year programmers learn how to create simple Windows script viruses their first year of class. Mac programmers simply love their computers and have no desire to create such an abomination. We love our Mac programmers and happily pay what ever they ask for their good, hard work.

* Games.

I enjoy the games that I play on my Mac, but It's true that there simply aren't as many games out there for the Mac as Windows. Hopefully, with the Mac now using an Intel processor, we will start to see more games being developed for the Mac. But, honestly, don't most people simply get their gaming fix by playing with video game consoles (such as NES, PS, Wii, or XBox) anyway, rather than playing games on their computers?

* Software.

There is a lot more software for the Macintosh now, than before Mac OS X arrived. Much of the Mac's new software is simply Unix ports. There is also a large open source and public domain/shareware development community that has been supporting the Mac OS.

You can actually run Unix X-windows on your Macintosh now too. Apple has been designated as the largest distributor of Unix in the world. If you have one of the new Intel-based Macs you can now run Windows programs natively using a program called BootCamp. There is also a Java Virtual Machine for the Mac too.

There's still a ton of programs made specifically for the Mac. Most of these are programmed in C or machine language, so they're lightening fast. Apple watches over their developers closely, to make sure everything runs like it's supposed to; that it runs the Macintosh way. There's also a lot of Windows ports too. I use Microsoft Office on my Mac at work all the time. Although the Macintosh versions of Windows software are way behind in features than their Windows brethren, the Macintosh programs seem to run better, faster and are not as susceptible to problems as the Windows ports. Go figure!

Where the Macintosh really shines is in the creative software area. I'm a printer, so I know that the Macintosh pioneered desktop publishing. I think that most structured drawing, paint/graphics, and music programs got their start here too. Video and film editing and production is now very big on the Mac. Many people complain about how expensive some of these programs are, but frankly, professional programs are always more expensive than the cheaper consumer-level programs that are out there. Stuff like iTunes, iPhoto, iMovie, iDVD, etc. come free with your Macintosh, while other programs are quite affordable.

* Less problems

The Macintosh simply works. There really isn't very many problems using a Mac compared to a Windows PC. Check out the computer questions here on Yahoo! Answers. There are a lot of Windows, "Why can't I get this to work?" questions here. Even though there are a lot of Mac users here, there doesn't seem to be very many Mac questions. Right, it's because the Macintosh is a little more proprietary and you really need to buy hardware that tells you that it's Mac compatible. You can't just buy some cheap hardware, piece it together, and make a Mac, like you can with some PCs. But, then, you don't have Plug-and-Pray either. The Mac simply works.

* Mac OS X

It's a very simple, basic, easy-to-use OS. It's highly graphic, so your kids or your grandmother could learn to use it, and it's also got a terminal, so the geekiest guy can enjoy using it to it's fullest extent. Windows users will recognize many of the same features that they use on their OS, but there are a few things that are strictly Macintosh.

I have loved it because it's always responsive. You throw in a CD and the icon for it pops up on the desktop along with a dialog box asking if you want a specific program to use with it. There's no need to search for drives. If it's a music CD, iTunes launches to play it. If you plug in your digital camera iPhoto launches to import the pictures.

If you're looking for a file buried deep inside your Macintosh file structure, you can use Spotlight and it might find the file before you're done typing the first three letters of the name.

Best of luck to you in what ever you decide.

2007-01-31 18:07:26 UTC
If virus is what you are worried about, stop surffing at porn sites ^_^. Just kidding but FYI.

Hackers will attack Apple sooner or later, if users of mac OS increases, hackers will be more tempted to find security flaws.

Windows Vista, looks good, but a bit on the pricy side, but if you are getting bundled with the lappy, go for it.

Advice, just have the update version of your virus def.


Mac is known better for their graphics and audio production capabilities. If you are the more artistic type, its highly recommended.

Vista, for all roughneck work. Go figure. As a gaming set, should run good enough, but I heard it has quite a few bugs for certian games.

Have fun choosing.
2007-02-02 00:23:12 UTC
Get a Macbook Pro!
2007-01-31 18:38:38 UTC
Macs are better, but they cost more. And, you can get special Vista software that will run on an Apple computer.
2007-01-31 18:50:54 UTC
why the heck you runnign anything to do with nortons to begin with?? i mean hell.. resource hungry over proced crap in my opinion.... id go to control panel remove everything to do with nortons/symtech(spelling?) id then get free great antivirus (avg or avast), spyware removal (spybot or ad aware) decent firewall (zone alarm pro) you can get them all for free and do a lot better than nortons... id hold off getting vista for a while, may have a few compatabilty problems with drivers and programs... xp is fine... not a fan of Macs
castle h
2007-01-31 18:20:25 UTC
As stated, your Macbook can run Vista, but I'd wait a bit. Vista is bound to be quite buggy at first.
2007-01-31 18:10:17 UTC
Depends on what you use your computer for (other than luggin around at school). A Tablet might be worth considering (I dunno of Macs have Tablets). You can get smaller PC laptops than the heavy things.

Basically software availability is the biggest one you should look at (look at what you run now, and whether you can find the same or equivalent on the Mac, and any cost of doing that). As Mac runs over a Unix kernel, you can run open source posix unix applications as well a X11 apps.
2007-01-31 18:51:25 UTC
A beautiful Vista is behind every window.
2007-01-31 18:17:58 UTC
2007-01-31 18:28:25 UTC
Why not both, buy a mac book and install windows vista home premium or ultimate (home basic sucks!!) with boot camp, virtual PC or Parallels
2007-01-31 18:53:11 UTC
mac definitely you could run vista on it if you want but why would you want to when the new OS X Leapord for mac is coming out soon and blows vista awaay
2007-01-31 18:37:28 UTC
I have a Mac, and I love it! The macbook is just like Mac, but it is a laptop. It has so many features, and it is fun to make photo abulms and you can make your own website which is pretty cool. And best of all, it doesnt get viruses! I love it and it is great for school projects, which is really important. GET THE MAC!
2007-01-31 18:34:55 UTC
DUDE Ronald make a great product

Go for the McBook

Plus it depends how much credit you have on your vista card
2007-01-31 18:51:50 UTC
Well: according to "linus Vista Laptops" it's better one because

windows xp would continue with their services ok ?
2007-01-31 19:05:21 UTC
buy a macbook, it's so much better than windows vista or anything pc is offering
2007-01-31 18:22:51 UTC
If you are going to get a laptop get ANYTHING but something with Vista! It required a TON of resources! It looks EXCELLENT, but just not practical for a laptop.
2007-01-31 18:10:53 UTC
it depends, if you want to have a virus-free, fun, easy computer environment, then mac is the choice for you. But if you want to do things that require a powerful computer such as gaming or video editing, then windows is your best choice.
2007-01-31 18:07:03 UTC
normal macbooks too, I've got mine running OS X and win XP. allthough I hardly ever use XP anymore ;-)

even found a small video guide for installing win on mac


2007-01-31 18:26:12 UTC
A Mac. You will be happy to see how easy it is to operate, and how easy to wield and use.


PS: If you are a student or teacher, you can get a discount through the apple website.

PPS: Macs have built in virus protection, no downloads necessary.
2007-01-31 18:44:12 UTC
don't get vista, wait for a service pack to come out. don't shell out $400 for a slightly upgraded version of XP. it's not worth it.
2007-01-31 18:13:58 UTC
I definately think you should go with the MacBook!!! theyre so cute, light, and work REALLY good

good luck!!!

go into the apple store, or where youre going to consider getitng your laptop and ask them if you can try it out!!!
the king
2007-01-31 18:05:17 UTC
i have a windows media center edition. but in my opinion you should buy a mac because you dont get any viruses and is much faster, but think about it. with mac you can still windows xp on it.
Natalia D
2007-01-31 18:43:56 UTC
try getting bitdiffender instead of norton. it works great and attacks the bugs before they enter your pc. look at sony notebooks for lighter options.
2007-01-31 18:27:37 UTC
get the macbook and download mac osx and windows vista so it can't get viruses and it will be compatible with everything
Jonathan C
2007-01-31 18:04:27 UTC
Mac Book. Better hardware at a better price when you acutally look at it. Not to mention you leave your options open to run any os in the world now. (And you may just love the mac os
2007-01-31 18:45:43 UTC
I think that you should go with the one that is the most convenient for you. You can always take the product back if you don't like for and exchange or refund.
2007-01-31 18:22:24 UTC
Buy a macbook, buy vista go to download bootcamp, read the instructions and install vista.

You'll have the best of both worlds.
2007-01-31 18:35:27 UTC

Also, macs can get viruses, there just has been an extreme lack of interest in script kiddies and hackers making such viruses.

If you are using it for school, get an extremely lightweight Dell.
Gojira the Great
2007-01-31 18:16:44 UTC
Get the MacBook. You're leaning towards it, do it. The only consideration is do you want a black or white one.
2007-01-31 18:52:53 UTC
lol Vista is so much better!!

Norton isnt so good!! I detects but doesnt remove!
2007-01-31 18:22:30 UTC
i would get vista. it looks cool. i saw an add for it on tv a few hours ago.
2007-01-31 18:20:30 UTC
macbook no question

use the old windows laptop as a paperweight :-)
2007-01-31 18:21:46 UTC
mac. vista is gonna have a million bugs.
joe G
2007-01-31 18:58:29 UTC
2007-01-31 18:16:41 UTC
apple is probably better, not as many viruses and better running quality. plus its better for the arts.
2007-01-31 18:18:57 UTC
Windows is easier to use

Norton is bad!!!!

It corrupted my mom's computer.

Uninstall it from add and remove programs in the control panel
2007-01-31 18:07:52 UTC
mac book
2007-01-31 18:13:24 UTC
i suggest a macbook.
2007-01-31 18:15:34 UTC
Macbook. have you heard mac's can't get viruses. ? . go figure?

also apple rocks, g
2007-01-31 18:14:09 UTC
Apple is the best..its been proven!
clifford m
2007-01-31 18:19:05 UTC
you must buy a litle lopyop for you!!it depends on you!!
2007-01-31 18:21:55 UTC
buy a vista because i like it more.

2007-01-31 18:53:53 UTC
<3 Ehmrie<3
2007-01-31 18:22:26 UTC
MACBOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so much better!!!!!!!!!!!!
Abbey C
2007-01-31 18:20:42 UTC
Laptop! Thanks, Abbey C.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.