Help! My Laptop Won't Turn On At All!?
Flip Dude
2011-11-10 13:11:24 UTC
So I have a Toshiba Satellite M305D-S4829...
With Windows Vista Home Premium and I've been using it for three years...
With 250 GB Hard Drive and 4 GB RAM and I didn't upgrade the Operating System, RAM, Hard Drive, Graphic Cards, Motherboard or anything like that...
The last time I used this was yesterday night and I was doing research for my school...
Anyway, this morning I plugged in my laptop and pressed the power button...
The screen stays black (no light) and there was no any display...
I tried plugging my VGA cable to my TV, projector, etc. and there was no display....
I pressed the "Caps Lock" key and there was no Caps Lock light...
All the light I see is the Power Button and the charging light...
But there is no light on the mute button, play button, pause button, stop button and more...
I hear a fan and the sound when I turn on my laptop. So it's like turn on...
I never touch inside the laptop or attempt to open the inside of my laptop...
Is this a Hard Drive failure? A motherboard failure?
I just want my laptop to turn on and work normally...
Actually today is the day I'm planning to reset my laptop to its factory default because I'm giving away my laptop. But now, it's ruined...
What a coincidence. Help...
45 answers:
2011-11-10 13:56:19 UTC
This could be loads of faults but try removing any extra memory cards and see if that makes a difference. Possibly the graphics card has failed. If the mobo fails, you normally wouldnt see the power indicator lit up
2011-11-10 13:39:41 UTC
I'd guess it's going to be a motherboard failure. The most common problem with a laptop is that the power supply goes to hell, which on a laptop means the motherboard is kaput. There are a few things you can try:

1. Make sure your power cord is working. When you plug it in, does the light come on the power supply box attached to the power cord? If not, your fix may simply be a $10 power cord. Or the wall socket you're using might be bad. Try another.

2. Try pressing and holding your power button for 15 seconds. Then let up and press it again to turn on the computer.

3. Do you have a way to externally charge your battery? If so, try that, then insert the battery and use it to power your computer.

4. If your fan is bad, the computer might not turn on. But you'll have to actually open the computer to see that. You may have to find a local service place to look at it. It usually costs $75 to have it diagnosed at a reasonable place. However, be prepared. If it's the motherboard, it'll cost $250 or so to fix, so you'd be better off asking them to get your info off your hard drive and buying a new laptop. Three years is pretty good life for a laptop, and it's probably time for a new one anyway.
2011-11-10 14:35:29 UTC
While this is a guess based on past experience this sounds like a RAM chip failure

Normally the chips sit under a flap (with screws) and the laptop has been slightly banged as it's been put down

Sometimes just tapping it (gently) will fix the problem (for a short time)

But it's best to unscrew the cover and gently remove and re-seat the SIMMS (memory modules) and see if that fixes the problem

It's probably not a hard disc problem as the PC should give a number of short or long beeps and you can hear the disc whirring

If it was a screen problem, you'd normally see something on an external monitor (unless the graphic cards gone in which case the laptop motherboard needs replacing)
2011-11-10 14:09:20 UTC
If the power light is coming on I would try a restore to factory settings, although you would lose any files and programs that you`ve put in there yourself.

If you want to try it one of the two methods below should work.


1) Hold down the power button for 10 (ten) seconds to switch off your machine.

2) Press and hold the 0 (zero) key and at the same time, tap the power button once to switch on your notebook.

3) When the machine Starts beeping; release the 0 key.

4) When prompted by the warning screen; select Yes to continue with the system recovery.

5) Select Recovery of Factory Default Software; click Next.

6) Select Recover to out-of-box state click Next again.

7) Click Next to Start recovery.


1. Copy all your files and documents to an external storage device.

2. Shut down the computer.

3. Turn the PC back on and hit the F8 key repeatedly until the Advanced Boot Option Screen appears.

4. Click "Repair Your Computer" if you are not already on it and then press ENTER

5. choose your country and click OK

6. On the "System Recovery Options Screen" click "Restore Application" which is the last option.

7. Follow the on-screen instructions

8. When prompted, click on "Full Factory Recovery"

9. "Next"

10. Click "Yes"

11. you will notice for a while it seems like nothing is happening, give it some time.

12. After some minutes, recovery will complete and you click "Finish"
2011-11-10 14:33:39 UTC
HEY!! The same thing happened to my laptop. I have an HP TouchSmart tablet laptop and a few weeks ago it just went kaput... no bezel lights, but it definitely sounded like it had turned on. I tried to turn it on for a few hours and eventually got it on again but the problem persisted and then, this weekend, it never turned back on. It was determined that my computer had overheated at one point in time or other, partially melted the solder in the CPU, and allowed a disconnect to occur. What my friend did (he's very well-versed in computers, not me) was take everything out that he could except the CPU, turned on my computer, wrapped it tightly in a towel or two, and allowed it to overheat for a few hours. It totally worked. Seeing that I MYSELF am not a computer genius, I cannot tell you exactly how he did this, but I can tell you the information was found on a forum regarding baking your computer piece in the oven to re-melt the solder and make the connection again. Best of luck, dude!
2011-11-10 13:47:20 UTC
try turning it on while its plugged into AC but take out the battery...if that doesnt work and you have a docking station try seating it into the dock, if its a vid card failure the dock adapter may take over and allow you to at least get into the system...although in that instance youre still boned because the gpu is most likely embedded onto your mobo which is just as bad as the mobo itself failing outright

one other this laptop beeping at all beyond the standard 1 beep it would give out when its booting normally? if its giving you a bios beep code you have your answer. bios beeps come in 2 varieties long and short, the bios uses a combination of long and short beeps to tell the user at post time what is wrong (if anything) with the anything other than 1 short beep is bad

you can look these codes up online
2011-11-10 14:20:40 UTC
If you hear the fan and then a beep or series of beeps (if that's what you mean by you hear a sound when you turn it on) that could be a bios code telling you something. You will have to find Toshiba's guide to tell you what it means, IF that's what your getting. Bios means Basic Input Output System and if it's not talking to your hardware you might have a dead computer on your hands. You could also check to see if the fan has sucked in a bunch of lint preventing it from starting. That happened to my Satellite but I can't remember if it wouldn't start like yours or did something different.
2011-11-10 14:10:14 UTC
Well, if your laptop is turning on and you hear the fan there may be a problem with the motherboard. It could possibly could just be the screen. It probably is a harware problem. My guess, you're going to have to pony up the dough if you want your laptop back. But just in case, but a cheap can of compressed air and blow into the fan opening with it, if the fan gets too dusty everything can mess up sometimes.
2011-11-10 13:57:02 UTC
Press F8 repeatedly at start up to enter start options chose safe mode back up every thing of importance.

Do a system recovery or repair using the recovery disc set made for he laptop or use the built in system recovery to install a new copy of Vista. Usually you get a error message that no boot devise found and or a cable is unplugged when a hard drive fails.

How to restore your Toshiba laptop PC to its factory fresh software condition
2011-11-10 13:50:38 UTC
Odds are the screen just got disconnected if you can still hear the fan running. - My friend has a Toshiba and this has happened to her a few times...all she had to do was plug the screen back in...well actually my husband who is an IT Professional did it...but Should be an easy fix if you have someone that knows computers. Otherwise - Geek Squad can fix it for less than a new laptop would cost someone.
2011-11-10 14:29:48 UTC
I empathise with you on your hard luck; machines can get mysterious at times. Just when you need them most they disappoint you. I know that viruses can sometimes cause such utter shut down of computers, but I can't be sure about that in your case. If you have a friend studying networking, computer science or computer engineering then he or she might be in the position to help you get your laptop running again. In case you live near any Toshiba retail shop you could contact them for assistance. I really hope you have a backup for information on the PC. Losing your precious information can be one of the worse things to happen to you.
2011-11-10 14:05:52 UTC
Basic testing.

Remove battery and try without the battery. This is the check if a faulty battery is dragging the system down.

On boot up, see if you can enter the BIOS setting with F2, F4, or F8, check your manual for the right hot button to press. This is to check if low-level is still working.

If you have a multi-meter, check the output of your power adaptor and see if it is giving the correct voltage level.
2011-11-10 13:47:45 UTC
That one about the battery pull sounds good. Also it could be your graphics card went bad which would explain why its running, but nothing is displaying. That would be bad if it is. Because it would be either a new motherboard, or a really hard fix.
2011-11-10 14:01:42 UTC
You should change your battery. Or probably your laptop is dead. I've had that happen a bunch of times. Are you sure you haven't downloaded anything on it? Double check. You should probably bring it to the factory and have them check like you just said.
2011-11-10 13:49:39 UTC
Sounds like a Mobo Failure or a RAM Failure
2016-12-16 13:24:42 UTC
attempt to tutor off your wifi by utilising going to administration Panel, (in case you have vista, flow to classic view), flow to gadget supervisor, and detect the "community Adapter" and detect the superb instantaneous community card, precise click it and decide disable. Now flow on your netgear router, pull the powersupply out and look ahead to 30 secs till at last now insert it decrease back in.. look ahead to a lilttle bit, then enable your instantaneous decrease back and attempt to reconnect it..if the concern nonetheless persist, i could attempt to flow to a pair tech information superhighway pages and ask for help. in straightforward terms google something like "instantaneous disconnect often" and there is hundreds of effects want it enables
2011-11-10 14:14:33 UTC
check it's plugged in properly. This happened to me and i actually called my boss and said my laptop was broken. It just wasn't plugged in to the socket or the little box part i cant remember. It sounds stupid and someone even said that it probably just wasn't plugged in but i didn't even check. In the end I told my boss i fixed it myself and he was impressed.
funky f_a_b
2011-11-10 14:08:55 UTC
I think it is mother board failure. If it was an hard drive it will turn on but gives you an error message.
2011-11-10 14:01:27 UTC
Take it to Geek Squad or charge the battery. There is a possibility that you have a virus.
2011-11-10 13:47:18 UTC
the same happened to me, and its the bulb. there is a bulb in ur laptop... try to shine a flash light into ur computer and if u c the screen then its fine u just need to call tobisha and have some1 help u and replace the buld,

good luck
2011-11-10 14:21:57 UTC
it probably is in need of a new battery. Just visit a store like Best Buy, and they can easily help you out! :) Good Luck
2011-11-10 13:42:55 UTC
A good Laptop:


Remove battery

wait 10 secs

Install Battery

Plug in


It never really reboots unless you remove ALL power
2011-11-10 14:08:48 UTC
Its probably the motherboard see if you find your laptop here ( and there will be instruction on how to attempt to repair it... if not look for a similar model .. or look for a new motherboard ..
2011-11-10 14:02:34 UTC
You should take it to best buy, or any other store alike to it, and tell the employee what the problem is with your laptop, and then they will probably solve your problem
nick c
2011-11-10 14:09:12 UTC
motherboad failure , about 100$ fix by a good techi
2011-11-10 13:40:05 UTC
I would open it up and make sure nothing is disconnected from your motherboard in terms of wires or anything because that sounds like the issue
2011-11-10 14:20:49 UTC
Plug it into an external monitor, if the pc works your screens ******.
2011-11-10 13:57:39 UTC
Take the battery out and put it back in
2011-11-10 14:08:59 UTC
prolly neede a new battery or have a shortage in the hard drive..
2011-11-10 13:37:14 UTC
maybe your ribbon cable has got pinched or somehow gotten loose. i have a macbook pro and mine would turn on but wouldnt let me log on.. it was my hard drive/operating system.. if you still wanna give it away you can give it to me haha lol
2011-11-10 13:45:14 UTC
Take it to somebody that knows how to work on laptops. It sounds like something may be wrong with it.
Jordan Baldr
2011-11-10 13:43:38 UTC
Sell it online for scrap man or parts, because anything you put into this thing to fix it, will not be worth the trouble.
2011-11-10 14:13:35 UTC
That same thing happened to me!
2011-11-10 13:36:40 UTC
Purchase a new battery. IF that doesn't work, take it to GS.
2011-11-10 14:03:04 UTC
go to a store and get it fixed
2011-11-10 13:42:52 UTC
Take it to the place you got it.
2011-11-10 13:34:40 UTC
Didn't read half that crap.

Anyway...The side buttons a little loose on mine, so what i do is tilt the screen up and down to move it a little while spamming it, to help it rehit its target.
2011-11-10 14:32:20 UTC
how te hell did you do this without a computer?!
2011-11-10 13:39:01 UTC
too much info...try connecting your charger to your laptop and start it again.
2011-11-10 13:59:04 UTC
i guess this is what happens when people dont get a life.
2011-11-10 14:15:31 UTC
How are you online @_@?
2011-11-10 13:55:55 UTC
how did you ask this question when your computer is broken?
2011-11-10 13:49:41 UTC
2011-11-10 13:34:28 UTC
I don't know about you but that's when I take it to Geek Squad.
2011-11-10 13:38:25 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.