They recently showed what it takes to make Solid State Drives (SSDs) on the show "How It's Made". This video from YouTube may help give you a better idea about SSDs.
They are certainly not free. Just like you would have to BUY a replacement hard disk for your laptop if you needed a bigger one, or if the one you have breaks down, you would go to Staples, Best Buy, Curry's or other computer supply store and buy the SSD drive.
Prices per GB are the big challenge right now for SSD. You can get a 1TB Seagate regular drive for under US$50 now. But the cheapest 1TB SSD drive is probably close to US$400.
The SSD is probably a good idea for laptops though. No moving parts means if you drop it or shake it, the read/write heads are not smacking the disk platters which can damage the drive or result in bad spots on the disk. No moving and spinning means less heat being generated.
The SSD drive really will only help you boot up Windows or your operating system faster, and when playing games like Battlefield or Fallout, loading times between zones and at the start of missions will be much faster. So in a way, it helps the laptop perform "better". It does not make the CPU process any faster, but with lower power consumption, it might help improve battery life and less heat means the system's fan does not have to work as hard to keep things cool.