Hai Navi,
You're question is not so clear , So I assume that you are not able to play CD/ DVD ..
The steps you need to follow is:
Step 1) Please check it in Device Manager--> CD/DVD Rom Drive ( point out your DVD drive ) right click on it and uninstall it. ( Please do not reboot the computer)
Step 2 )
1. Click Start, and then Run. In the Open field, type: Regedit
2. Click OK.
For system safety, make a backup of the registry:
4. Click My Computer at the top of the list, then click File, then Export.
5. Browse to a folder that is easy to access, such as My Documents.
6. Type a filename that is easy to remember, such as RegBackup.
7. Click Save to back up the registry. It may take up to a minute for the file to export.
Click the small plus sign (+) next to each of the following folders, in order:
10. CurrentControlSet
11. Control
12. Class
13. {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
14. Right-click LowerFilters from the right side of the window and click Delete
15. Right-click UpperFilters from the right side of the window and click Delete.
16. Exit Registry Editor and restart the computer. If full CD writing functionality has not been restored, it may be necessary to reinstall the CD writing software .
Please let me know the output
Ganapathy. K