KT Chong
2011-09-05 10:40:04 UTC
1. I have been using PC for over 30 years. I am an extremely knowledgeable PC user -- I have a degree in computer science (although I no longer work in the computer field,) I can write programs, and I can build my own computer. I have NEVER had a problem with viruses. I have never had a computer lockup for about ten years now.
The number-one reason Mac fans tell me that I should switch to Mac is because "Mac does not have viruses or blue screen of death". Well, I have never had any problem with either. So that is not a reason for me to switch.
2. I am extremely concerned with the maintenance and repair costs of Mac. I am a very knowledgeable PC user -- as I've said, I know how to build, upgrade and repair PCs. I know my ways around Windows. So I pay next-to-nothing for maintaining and repairing PCs.
On the other hand, I've read that the repair costs for Mac is expensive, and Apple build its computer in such a way so that users can't tamper with it. That means if a Mac breaks, I will have to bring it back to the Apple Store and pay a premium for the repair. And Apple "get people" on the repair costs.
I don't mind paying the initial cost for a MacBook Air, but I am thinking about the long-term maintenance and repair costs.
3. I am a gamer. I play PC games. Gaming is very important to me. Nowadays I use computer to mostly surf the Internet, which Windows can also do quite aptly. I do not use any graphical or "artistic" applications (which are Apple's territories,) and I can't think of any reason for me to use those apps. Basically, I cannot think of a single reason why I would want to spend the extra money to switch over to Mac.
So, if you love Apple, tell me why I should switch.