Y cant the laptop see my external hard drive when i connet to usb, BUT if i boot up it sees it,That tells me the cable is ok and if i dissconet it and reconnet it, It dont see it ?. Iv also removed the drivers and reboot and put the drivers back in, The hard drive is Nexons . 2.5 20 gb Driven by usb port (power). port is usb 1.1 and the new hard drive is compatable with 1.1 as well as usb 2. It works well on the PC Desk top, It states the if i need more power to the hard drive connet the outher usb plug into anouther usb port on witch both plugs are data and power, Iv done it and still cant see it. Now if i plug my 3.5 HD in the laptop noproblam it sees it and that has external power !. By the way the new 2.5 HD is the second one , I got the 1st one replaced. ?????????? :( Can any one HELP )