Western Digital WD7501AALS Internal Hard Drives
Customer Reviews for Western Digital Caviar Black WD7501AALS 750GB 7200 RPM 32MB Cache SATA 3.0Gb/s 3.5" Hard Drive -Bare Drive
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Price: $79.99
Sale Price: $69.99
Review Summary (408 Reviews): Rating + 4
OverallLast 2 WeeksLast 6 Months
OverallLast 2 WeeksLast 6 Months
OverallLast 2 WeeksLast 6 Months
Excellent Rating + 5 304ReviewsExcellent
Good Rating + 4 37ReviewsGood
Average Rating + 3 19ReviewsAverage
Poor Rating + 2 10ReviewsPoor
Very Poor Rating + 1 38ReviewsVery Poor
Tech Level: high
Ownership: 1 week to 1 month
This user purchased this item from Newegg
10/30/2009 6:41:07 AM
Rating + 5 Pretty Quick
Pros: I was pretty impressed with the speed of this drive. It's an SATA so it took all of 5 seconds to install, and the BIOS posted it right away. In Windows 7 it gets an Experience rating of 5.9. I've seen a few of the cheaper SSD's get that same rating, so I'm VERY happy with the drive. This is faster than the Caviar Blues, even if it is only slightly. I will be buying a hand full of the 1TB version for a server I'm replacing this month.
Cons: 750 gigs is an odd size, and I would have ordered the 1TB if it was in stock. There's no difference between the speeds of those two drives, and the price is only 10 dollars more.
Other Thoughts: I purchased this drive along with Windows 7 and did a brand new install on the system. The total time to install Windows 7 from the CD spinning to actually booting the first time was only 15 minutes. I had originally thought of getting a second one of these drives and running them in Raid 0 but with a 5.9 rating already, I don't see the point. As far as drives go, these WD Caviar Blacks are some of the best I've had. I've had a few of the Blues over the last year, but I feel that this one is slightly faster and since it's only a few $$'s more I don't see why you would get anything else. Don't waste your money on the Raptors, they're only a little bit faster overall, and this drive is actually better in Raid 0 on a few benchmarks.
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Tech Level: high
Ownership: less than 1 day
10/30/2009 2:35:19 AM
Rating + 5 Fantastic drive for the price! but consider this
Pros: excellent drive for the money,passed a series of FULL diagnostics before ever using it .
I recommend doing the same due to the nature of buying through the mail.......saves time if theres a problem with it.
at .09 cents a gb its a fair price for an higher than average performing drive .I tend to lean toward seagate drives but this drive is more than competitive in comparison to them with the 5 year warranty and cost per gb.
seagate does tend to be a tad more expensive.but this particular drive is one of western digitals better models and is less costly than a comprable seagate drive
Cons: The packaging did leave a little to be desired but was adequate But you cant expect retail packaging when you are buying a BARE DRIVE . and some shippers excel at using small boxes as a soccer ball when loading a truck .
but if you do a little research on iso certification and the process iso certified products go through before they leave the factory you might have a whole new respect for that little drive you bought HOWEVER ..see other thoughts
Other Thoughts: After reading several postings I felt compelled to comment on doa drive issues that others have had.OCASSIONALLY a bad drive will leave the factory,Its happens but rest assured all major drive manufacturers that are iso compliant have very stringent quality and manufacturing guidelines they have to follow in order to recieve certification (I used to build hard drives for a major manufacturer) the number of failed drives (actual mechanical failures due to the maunfacturing process, and not handling issues is less than 1% of all drives made) most damage and doa issues are due to improper handling , packaging , as well as improper warehouse storage. The bottom line is, due to the fact that once the drives leave the manufacturer,They get passed through so many hands that damages can and will happen frequently . most especially if not properly packaged (ie the retail boxed versions...theres a reason they are packed so well retail, you pay extra for it .)