Network Keys/Wireless internet?
2007-07-19 17:42:47 UTC
There are actually a few things I need answered.

1. My laptop says that it has a wireless card already in it, so I'm assuming that it picks up whatever signal is around and connects, the only problem is there is a network key, I'm assuming that it's picking up my boyfriends internet service, so is there anyway I can turn off that key so that I can allow my laptop to connect?

2. I have a card that my friend told me to put inside my laptop and it should allow me to connect to the internet, but when I put the card in, nothing happens. What could be the causes?

3. Lastly, if I need to buy something to connect to the internet, like a card that'll 'feed' off of internet service around me, what would that be?
Seven answers:
2007-07-19 17:47:01 UTC
the key is the wep key,,,,,,,, and it is not just a keyto everyone's network only the one it is programmed into. second you'll have to find a unsecured network in your area that doesn't have any wep or wpa keys required if you don't know them.
Big Guy
2007-07-19 17:53:25 UTC
The Network Key (Encryption Key) is the Security for the Wireless Internet. You need the key to connect to the wireless internet. Depending on what Wireless Internet Connection program you have on your computer you should be able to type in the key somewhere. You need to ask your boyfriend what the key is of course.

If you have a wireless card already, you don't need to put another one into the computer.

Does a little pop-up asking you to connect to the internet (or something of that effect) come up whenever you are over at your boyfriend's house?

Go to Control Panel, Network Connections, there should be a computer looking icon that says Wireless Internet Connection. Try fiddling with the properties of that to get connected. If you don't have that Wireless Internet Icon than maybe you will need to get a wireless card (or figure out how to turn the card that is already in the laptop, on.)

There should be a tutorial/help section on the left hand sidebar in that network connection folder. I can't do anything else without knowing what program you are using.
2007-07-19 17:51:58 UTC
1. If the network requires a key, the only person who can disable it would be your boyfriend, or whoever set up the network.

2. Need more information to answer this question - is it USB, or PCI? Are you sure the port works?

3. In order to connect to the Internet wirelessly, you need to have the pass-phrase or WEP key for the access point you Will be using. If you have that, you should be able to use most any wireless card or wireless USB device.
2007-07-19 17:48:59 UTC
1. - it would probably be best to get the network key from your BF, and apply it to your wireless NIC. You can do that from your network properties. If you turn it off, then that gives anyone else within range the ability to access his internet connection.

2. - if you have wireless card already in it, why do you need the one from your friend? Answer is you don't, unless you want to connect with a wire instead of wireless

3. - You already have a wireless card, so that answers that question.

So the long and short of this is to just put the network key on your wireless NIC, and you won't have to worry about the last 2 questions.
2007-07-19 18:00:59 UTC
1. If it works properly, it will probably try to connect to the best wireless connection it can find (depending on how it is set up).

If it asks for a network key, that is just a password that stops you using someone else's internet when you're not supposed to.

So if it's your boyfriends, he needs to tell you the key.

If he doesn't know it, it is probably set to default which will be 1234 or 0000 (or admin/password if it is text not numbers).

If you can find his wireless box (which will be plugged into the phone line, so maybe near his phone?) then it usually says on the bottom of it what the default keys are.

2. Although built-in wireless often works automatically, add-on cards usually do not. Is it USB? (plugs into a port like this:

what brand is it? (linksys, netgear etc) did it have a CD with software for it?

3. If you can get either of the above working then that sounds fine. However, you do need the box that sends the wireless signal in the first place.

If you're at your boyfriends and he has one already, then obviously that's sorted there. They reach about 20-100 meters, so if you live next door for example, you can probably still use his even when at home. However, if you don't have a wireless box and live where noone else has one that they will let you use, then you can get something like this: or this: which plugs into your phone line (internet) and sends the internet out wirelessly for your laptop to pick up.

Hope that's helpful and not too confusing!
2007-07-19 17:51:10 UTC
start/ control panel/ network conections/ find a connection.
2007-07-19 17:45:13 UTC
call ur service for help thats the best thing i think to do plus i done it.

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