2009-03-06 21:28:54 UTC
OK...now I tried to do the "repair" install using my F11 key and utilizing the partitioned disk and restoring to the original factory settings. It went through all it's processes, backups and what ever else it does. Then it rebooted...I'm thinking "perfect...I fixed it"....THEN it HUNG on the windows XP slash screen, where it stated. "please wait"...and I did......for hours.
Last step...I decided to go "all in" and just select the "F" option on my recovery process menu to "format", and reinstall windows using my recovery disks. THIS was a very long process, but started to look very similar to the previous process I went through. Low and behold, it rebooted....AND HUNG ON THAT SCREEN AGAIN! What gives?
So my question....is this hardware or software related?
I have a bestbuy extended warranty effective, they told me tonight it was software related..and it wasn't covered. "Windows is corrupt", he said. He then said they would diagnose it for $215.....I decided to opt out for now......
Thoughts? I'm at my wits end. I'm wondering, if I buy a fresh copy of Windows XP myself, and try to reinstall from scratch...if this will work? I'd hate to blow $150 on a copy of Windows if I don't need to...I would think everything is there on my recovery disks.....that's what it's for, right?
Sorry for the long note.....
Thanks for any help.