Macs are great machines with what are major show-stopping flaws to me: they are way overpriced, require you to use Mac OS X, and Apple has total control over application development and release, stifling innovation and increasing software costs. A comparable Windows laptop will cost about half what the MacBook does.
Instead of Microsoft Office, if you would like to save some money, download the free LibreOffice for whichever computer you get. Try that out for a while to get used to it. I strongly believe that you will find it does everything you need, albeit possibly in a way other than Office. You can change the default document format from theirs to the Microsoft *.doc format and you won't have to remember to save them as a .doc
Take a look at these rankings:
Apple makes the highest quality laptops however they are also the highest priced. You are also then limited to the Apple OS and software from the Apple store which tends to cost more than its PC equivalents and does not have as much if any free software.
Lenovo is the best Windows laptop mfg followed closely by
HP, Asus and Samsung who are all almost tied.
Dell is hit or miss: people generally love it or hate it. I have a serious problem with Dell as a PC enthusiast because they have a habit of customizing their hardware such that they have standard connectors but non-standard wiring configurations so that, for example, if you replaced one of their power supplies with a standard power supply you would end up frying the motherboard. Alienware is now owned by Dell and although their quality has gone down, the price hasn't.
The bottom of the pile contains Acer(Gateway), Toshiba, and Sony with them all having a score in the mid 60's.
1)Toshiba now has moved up in the ratings but they are still near the bottom of the pile although I have used their machines at various points without problems and many people swear by them.
2)Sony makes good hardware but has a history of pre-installing a lot of crapware which take a heavy toll on performance and they have a history of spying on customers in addition to draconian copyrights and software prices.
3)Acer makes Gateway and I would not spend money on either and would generally expect to be paid to use their products.