2012-06-25 05:27:36 UTC
I have been using Blue Hp Laptop ZE1000 , OS - Win XP from past 4-5 years .I had a bootup password on my HP laptop. It used to ask for password twice ( i guess once for BIOS an d 2nd time for hard disk access) , I had same password for both. Now it only accepts first password and locks me out when i enter same password 2nd on second prompt.
A week ago,It started behaving erratically while accepting password i.e same password was accepted on 2nd or 3rd attepmt. To get rid of this I decided to clear the password, so I entered the CMOS/BIOS setup with F10. I didn't see a command to clear the password, so I decided to change the password to a blank password. I figured it then wouldn't ask me for a password.
When I started to change the password, it presented me with 3 textboxes, just like a typical Windows or Web form. In the first box, I entered the old password. Then I hit TAB to get to the next box, or maybe down arrow. But definitely not a mouse click, as this was a text-mode form. To set an empty password, I just hit ENTER. Then I repeated this for the second textbox.
When I saved/exited and rebooted, it still asked me for the bootup password!! But nothing worked! Neither my old password, nor blank (hitting ENTER). What happened?!
I came up with a theory that maybe some previous password was sitting in those 2 textboxes for the new password. When I hit ENTER for them, maybe it set that mystery password to be my new password. I can't remember, but those textboxes might have had "fill characters" instead of being blank. By fill chars, I mean like Windows shows stars in a password textbox. Here, those chars would be "squares", as it's text mode. (Excuse me for over-explaining, but I want to be clear.)
So 2 questions:
1) What on earth happened? What is my password now? Is it SPACE? Is it "\n" (ENTER), which I am unable to provide? Something else weird?
2)Ideally I would like to recover my data ,atleast the files stored on desktop & my document folder. Is there any way to do it ?
3) If recovery is not possible , How do I format my laptop & install XP again ?