Well there's a billion reasons, but here's a few:
1) Overpriced for the same hardware, manufactured by inferior manufacturers (FOXCONN)
2) They all look the same. It's pretty boring. I don't like how they look too, so I don't even get an option.
3) Logo on EVERYTHING and it GLOWS so much, that's just screams unprofessional to me in that you can't be sitting in a meeting and have a giant glowing apple on your laptop.
4) I don't want to be included with a group of fools who think they are somehow elite because they have a unibody aluminum case on their laptop.
5) Every idea ever used was not original, it's simply been consolidated to one company. Multi touch pads were not new, they were the first on a big company.
6) Planned absoletion. They remove features of one model (evidenced by empty spots in the current product) so they can say "ITS A NEW FEATURE!!" in the next, and keep you coming back for the latest model. It's a giant scam and just plain wrong to me, and way too obvious.
7) Compatability=none.
8) It breaks down, you return the whole darn thing.
9) OEM parts can cost 2-3x as much as PC counterparts, and the only difference is that they are made for the macOS systems.
10) Terrible GUI. Just plain illogical to me. I mean, who the hell thought apple+m would be a shortcut for FIND
11) beachball of death. Every. *******. Time. I. Use. A. Mac. Beachball of death.
12) VIRUSES HOLY ****. I havn't had a friend who owns a mac who decided to uninstall their virus protection and whatnot, and they simply don't realize what danger they will be in the future. I know that the virus library for macintosh computers is small now, but it's gaining foothold in the community. Especially with the iPods.
13) EVERYTHING. Again, confusing GUI.
14) Doing hardware maintenance, even on the desktop, is difficult.
15) Just bad experiences with it.
16) More available software
17) BETTER available software
18) Up to date components. Apple's hardware has always come out so late, it's out of date and slow compared to PC counterparts, and you still pay more than we do.
19) Ease of use. I buy it, I plug it in, I use it. Simple as that.
20) Community of technological, specifically in the realm of computers, idiots. I can't deal with that.
So what are your reasons for saying apple computers are the best?