2009-12-01 13:59:53 UTC
Address a problem with your computer
You received this message because hardware or software on your computer caused Windows to shut down unexpectedly and restart. This is a serious problem, commonly referred to as a stop error or blue screen.
If you have received this error more than once, we recommend that you do the following:
1.Back up your files to avoid data loss in case of a complete hardware failure.
2.Contact the original manufacturer of your computer to determine the specific component which is failing.
How do I find my computer manufacturer?
Click the Start button , type msinfo32 in the Search box, and then press ENTER. Your computer manufacturer is listed as the System Manufacturer in the right pane of the System Information window.
Click to go online to see contact information for most computer manufacturers
Additional technical information
Although we know the problem is caused by a hardware component, the error report does not contain enough information to tell us the specific component. It is likely that the problem is being caused by one of the following computer components:
Random access memory (RAM)
System board
Central Processing Unit (CPU)
Power supply
Could that problem be related to the fact that my computer c drive was very full (going into red)?
If not, what else?