after bios update, windows vista detected new devices with no drivers found ?
2007-02-09 15:46:16 UTC
i did a bios update today from my laptop provider ( toshiba ) after the update windows vista all the sudden detected 2 new devices, but could not find any drivers for them. these two devices werent there before and im not sure what they are and where to get drivers for them ? any ideas guys ?
Five answers:
What the...?!?
2007-02-09 15:54:30 UTC
Can you list the device which were found? There is a great site called "RadarSync" which has a vast selection of drivers for various devices. I first heard about the website through Here is the link to the article:

"Find Vista drivers at RadarSync" -- written by Gina Trapani (

When you're upgrading your PC to Windows Vista this week and you're missing hardware drivers, check out RadarSync's collection of Vista drivers, compiled in one place for your download pleasure.

Windows Vista is better than you'll expect at finding drivers for your obscure whoozywhatsit card, but this bookmark's a good one to have, just in case.


The direct link to RadarSync is

I wouldn't worry. Sometimes, Windows will display your USB or Firewire ports as devices. Windows Vista just came out and, despite what Microsoft might say, there are still some kinks to be worked out.
2007-02-09 15:54:12 UTC
Welcome to Windows newest blunder, Vista! Be the first to be extremely frustrated with Windows latest. Didnt you have enough of this with windows last boondoogle, Windows Me? You are gonna have trouble with Vista for the next two years, minimum. Next time, just say no to Microsoft trying to wow you. You can try going to the Device manager and updating the drivers. Right click the driver and select "update driver" Of course, if you dont know what the devices are, I dont either, because Vista has trouble with LOTS and LOTS and LOTS of drivers such as printers, modems, NICs, sound cards, video cards..the list goes on and on.
2016-12-04 04:24:23 UTC
neither can attempt this. some drivers are sixty 4/32bit compatable yet that relies upon on the reason stress now no longer the OS. identity say get vista now that diverse the reason stress difficulty concerns were fixed and the most suitable performance has been very a lot more beneficial its an throughout the time of more beneficial ideal OS. it type of feels more beneficial ideal it performs the corresponding to larger ideal and all projects are a lot less stressful and larger useful and optimal on the instantaneous are computerized quite drivers.
2007-02-09 15:54:49 UTC
Unless your windows sticker specifically says "Windows Vista Capable" i wouldnt reccomend doing what you did either
jon f
2007-02-09 15:50:31 UTC
well you kinda screwed yourself over by trying to put a new OS on an older system, if you had bought a vista ready computer you wouldn't have this problem...try calling Microsoft for better experienced tech support...

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.
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