Yesterday I was on my Compaq Presorio R3000 just typing some family history on my Family Tree Maker 2005 in my living room. While I was typing I noticed that my laptop just froze and there was no movement. I thought that it might be overheating since I placed it on a Persian Rug, but I tried turning it on at least 3 times on a wooden, cold surface. Same effect. Then I went on Yahoo Answers and gathered up some information. One guy was saying that Zone Alarm might be the problem (which I had installed on my laptop). Another guy said that he used a computer duster to dust off the dust in the cooling fan. I tried that and didn't work. Then, out of the blue, my Norton Antivirus scanner says it detected and blocked a worm. What is going on with my computer? Is it overheating or is there a worm or virus present on my computer? The last time I went on I checked on Task Manager for the performance and this is what I had before it froze, again:
18% CPU Usage
396 Mb PF usage